The Crucible Flashcards
Utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion in spite of all appeals, urging. (adjective) The adamant personality of the lady stood out in the office.
To distress so severely as to cause persistent suffering or anguish. (verb) The man was afflicted by the scene of the car accident.
To influence by trickery, flattery or be mislead. (verb) I beguile the dog to get out of the road and into my yard.
To bewildered, confused or perplexed. (adjective) I was confounded after failing my math test.
A struggling together in opposition, strife. (noun) My friend and I had a contention after disagreeing with a question.
Touching or in contact with. (adjective) I was contiguous after getting the flu and had to stay home from school.
The respectful submission or yielding to the judgement and opinion of another. (noun) I had a deference after not answering my racist uncle’s comments.
Shameless, impudent boldness or barefaced audacity. (noun) I couldn’t believe my girlfriend had the effrontery to lie to me.
Causing fear, apprehension or dread (adjective) I was formidable toward my little sister on Halloween.
An excavation made in the earth in which to bury a dead body or any place that becomes the receptacle of what is dead or past. (noun) After my grandmother died we decorated here grave with flowers.
Disinclined or indisposed to believe, skeptical. (adjective) I was incredulous after my family told me i didn’t need to go to school.
To speak harmful untruths about, speak evil or to slander. (verb) I would malign about the kid i hated in my grade.
Outward or perceptible indication, materialization (noun) The manifestation was blamed toward the teacher.
A tendency to think favorably of something in particular or preference. (noun) The predilection of my team winning was proven by history.
Pretending or feigning, make-believe (noun) The pretense of hiding a lie from my mother was hard.