The Crucible Flashcards
(adjective)- unshakable, or immovable, opposition the ball was adamant when it was in the box.
(verb)- humble, overthrow, to distress. The man was afflicted with the work he had to do.
(verb)- to lead by deception, hoodwink, to while away by some agreeable occupation. The group of men beguiled them all.
(adjective)- to bring to ruin, destroy, frustrate, are not for accomplishment but to put to shame. It confounded the teachers when the students all failed.
(noun)- an act or instance of contending a point advanced or maintained in a debate or argument. The judges finally came to an contention when they were trying to solve the case.
(adjective)- being in actual contact, touching along a boundary or at a point: adjacent, next or near in time or sequence. The workers were contiguous to the bridge they had accomplish.
(noun)- respect and esteem due a superior elder, affected or ingratiating regard for another’s wishes.
(noun)- shameless, boldness: insolence. The dog walked effrontery when he didn’t catch the ball.
(adjective)- causing fear, dread or apprehension: having qualities that discourage, approach or attack: tending to inspire wonder. She was formidable that her parents will find out that she didn’t do what she was suppose to do when she was told to do so.
(noun)- dig excavate: to crave or shape with a chisel: sculpture: to crave or cut into a hard surface: to impress or fix deeply. In the art class the students had to grave a clay sculpture into something that inspires them.
(adjective)- unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true: not credulous: incredible: expressing incredulity. The Reese’ family had a hard time incredulous to what was told to them.
(verb)- evil in nature, influence or effort: injurious: malignant, virulent: having or showing intense often vicious ill will: to utter injuriously misleading or false reports about.
(noun)- the act, process or an intense instance of manifesting: something that manifests: one of the form in which an individual. The group was caught in the manifesting.
(noun)- a tendency to think favorably in something particular. Some girls and guys always have something predilection in their mines.
(noun)- pretending or make believe: a false show of something. Some people have many imagination that are sometimes pretense.