The Critical Reader- Complete SAT Grammar Rules Flashcards
- Subject Verb Agreement (A)
Subject-Non-essential Clause-Verb
- Subject Verb Agreement (B)
Subject-Prepositional Phrase- Verb
- Subject Verb Agreement (C)
Prepositional Phrase- Verb- Subject
- Subject Verb Agreement (D)
There is/ There has= Singular Noun There are/ There have= plural noun
- Subject Verb Agreement (E)
Neither/Nor + Verb (All Singular)
- Subject Verb Agreement (Important)
“Group Nouns”- (ex. company)- singular
Gerunds used as subjects= singular
- Verb Tense (A)
Tense Consistency
- Verb Tense (B)
Present-Perfect vs. Simple Past
- Verb Tense (C)
Would vs. Will (Would= past, will=present)
- Verb Tense (D)
Gerunds vs. Infinitives
- Verb Tense (E)
Past Participle vs. Simple Past
- Verb Tense (F)
Past Perfect (had+past participle) ex. had gone
- Pronoun Case
Hint: What goes for singular goes for plural. Important: Between You and Me NOT Between You and I
- Antecedent-Pronoun (A)
One and You (You…You or One…One)
- Antecedent-Pronoun (B)
Singular vs Plural
- Antecedent-Pronoun (C)
No antecedent
- Antecedent-Pronoun (D)
Ambigous Antecedent
- Antecedent-Pronoun (Important)
Do it= WRONG Do so=RIGHT It=BAD (wrong most likely ALWAYS check its antecedent)
- Adjective vs. Adverb
The SAT switches them to test you. Adverbs usually end in -ly and adverbs modify verbs.
- Parallelism (A)
- Parallelism (B)
Phrase What precedes and follows a conjunction must match in structure
- Prepositions
Idiomatic stuff bud
- Faulty Comparison
Compare things to things and people to people
- Comparatives vs. Superlatives
More/-er (2) Most/-est(3 or more)
- Double Negatives and Double Positives
ex. more happier ex. scarcely no food == BAD
- Word Pairs
A. Either- Or B. Neither-Nor C.Not only-but also D. Both- And E. Between- And F. As-As G. More/Less Than H. So/Such That I. From-To J. Just as-so (Rare) K. At once- and (Rare and usually correct when it appears)
- Noun Agreement
Hint: Look for professions
- Relative Pronouns
Who/That vs. which: which set off by commas and that is not. who vs whom not TESTED on the SAT
- Coordinating Conjunctions (and vs but)
Make sure things are being contradicted by but and things are being transitioned by and… and so forth
- Diction (1 per test maximum)
word choice
- Redundancy (1 per test maximum)
redundant word choice
Fixing sentences tricks
1) shorter is better
2) -ing (esp. being) BAD
3) Passive voice is bad
Major Issues Tested on fixing sentences (A)
Sentence Fragments
Major Issues Tested on fixing sentences (B)
Commas and semicolons
Major Issues Tested on fixing sentences (C)
Coordinating Conjunctions
Major Issues Tested on fixing sentences (D)
Semicolons , the four transitions: however, therefore, moreover, consequently
Major Issues Tested on fixing sentences (E)
Dangling Modifiers
Major Issues Tested on fixing sentences (F)
Misplaced modifiers (Rare)
Major Issues Tested on fixing sentences (G)
Major Issues Tested on fixing sentences (H)
Non-Essential Clauses IMPORTANT: If an answer choice has a non-essential clause used correctly, it is likely corret
Parallelism on fixing sentences(A)
Parallelism on fixing sentences (B)
Binary or Two-Part Parallelism
Stuff from finding errors that shows up on fixing sentences
Subject-Verb Agreement (Typically subject-prepositional-phrase verb)
- Antecedent Pronoun (Watch out for It, Which, and This, which often lack antecedents)
- Verb Tense (esp. Tense Consistency)
- Conjunctions (and vs. but/however)
- Faulty Comparisons (always fix with that of/those of)
- Word Pairs (esp. between…and, so…that, just as…so, not only…but also)