The control of systemic arterial blood pressure Flashcards
How is BP regulated in the short-term?
Short-term - closed or open system?
What receptors are involved in the short-term response and what do they monitor?
high-pressure baroreceptors located in the aortic arch and carotid sinus, which monitor the systemic pressure and the pressure of blood being delivered to the brain respectively
Describe how baroreceptors work
Nerve endings expressing channels such as TRP - thought to be mechanosensitive stretch receptors where activation → influx of cations (Na+ and Ca2+) → depolarisation
High BP - baroreceptor firing high or low?
What are the carotid sinus baroreceptors innervated by?
sinus nerve of Herin, a branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve
What are the aortic arch baroreceptors innervated by?
Aortic nerve which then combines with the vagus nerve
Draw table comparing properties of the baroreceptors
What do patients with baroreflex failure present with?
- orthostatic hypertension
- recurrent syncope (caused by drop in blood flowing to brain)
- volatile hypertension
Where do baroreceptors project to?
Cardiovascular centre in medulla
Where do most afferents from baroreceptors project to?
NTS, which sends interneurons to various brainstem centres
Describe circuitry surround NTS and draw diagram from OneNote
• Baroreceptor afferents secrete excitatory glutamate onto the GluR2 subunits of AMPA receptors on NTS interneurons, exciting them…
- INHIBITORYinterneurons project onto, and inhibit thevasomotor area of the ventrolateral medulla; includesA1andC1areasin the rostral VL area, as well as the inferior olive and other nuclei(C1 area neurons have tonic output which normally elicits vasoconstriction; this is inhibited by the NTS input)
- EXCITATORYinterneurons project onto theCardioinhibitory areawhich includes thenucelus ambiguus anddorsal motor nucleus of the vagus(These neurons are excited to elicit bradycardia through parasympathetic action on the heart)
- INHIBITORYinterneurons project onto thecardioacceleratory areain thedorsal medulla(When stimulated, these cause heart rate and contractility to increase)
What is the overall result of baroreceptor stimulation?
Depression in:
- vessel tone
- heart rate
- contractility
Effectors of decreased BP on the heart/cardiac nerves
Na → SAN = increases HR and contractility
through beta1
- look at last year’s cardio deck for more
Effects of decreased BP on adrenal medulla
Preganglionic sympathetic neurons release ACh onto nAChRs on the adrenal medulla to stimulate Adr release into circulation, by exocytosis (of stored Adr) -chromaffin cells
Effects of decreased BP on blood vessels
- • Terminals release NA onto VSM which acts on two different types of adrenoreceptor
• Adrenaline is in circulation from the adrenal medulla
• The overall effect will depend on the Adr/NA ratio (Adr binds with higher affinity to B receptors, NA binds with higher affinity to A receptors)
• Will also depend on the receptor populations
• B2 receptors are Gs coupled - cause vasodilation
○ PKA mediated phosphorylation of MLCK (inactivation)
• A1 receptors are Gq coupled - cause vasoconstriction
IP3 mediated Ca release, form more Ca-calmodulin to activate MLCK
Is there any parasympathetic innervation of the vasculature?
How may body temp alter systemic BP?
§ Hypothermia - increased sympathetic flow to cutaneous blood vessels - vasoconstriction – reducing heat loss via radiation at the skin surface - BP rises
§ Conversely, relief of sympathetic innervation in hyperthermia - vasodilation in periphery to promote heat loss via radiation - overall systemic BP drops – can faint
§ Shows how local fluctuation in BP in extremities can affect whole BP
Discuss resetting of baroreceptors
It appears that exercise training (e.g. in athletes) resets the BR so its activation threshold is higher - allows greatly increase HR, BP, sympathetic activity during exercise
What is the most important factor in long-term control of BP?
the need for the kidneys to balance fluid volume intake with volume output
What is natriuresis?
process of sodium excretion in the urine through the action of the kidneys
Describe pressure-natriuresis relationship of the kidney
natriuresis and so the volume of fluid excreted increases with increasing perfusion pressure
If the pressure-natriuresis curve was unmodified by other factors, why would blood pressure increase with increased salt and water intake?
• This is because increased fluid intake increases effective circulating volume (ECV), which increases central venous pressure (CVP); this increases atrial filling and ventricular filling and thereby increases myocardial contractility and stroke volume according to Starling’s law
The resulting increase in CO leads to a rise in ABP, which increases renal perfusion pressure, allowing the extra volume to be eliminated and thereby maintaining volume homeostasis
What does the RAAS act to do?
Prevent appreciable changes in blood pressure even with large changes in salt and water intake