The Constitution Flashcards
What is the British constitution made up of?
The U.K’s constitution is uncodified as it is an accumulation of various statutes, conventions, judicial decisions and treaties.
What does a constitution do?
Constitutions organise, distribute and regulate state power.
What is the Bill of rights of 1689?
Act of parliament that established parliamentary sovereignty
What is the Magna Carta of 1215?
Medieval charter that limited the power of the king
The parliament act of 1911?
Reduced the time the lords could block a bill for down to 2 years
What was the parliament act of 1949?
This act reduced the time the lords could block a bill for down to 1 year
What was the acts of union of 1707?
Acts of Parliament that united England and Scotland. It abolished the separated Scottish parliament and established the modern United Kingdom.
What are the 2 principles of the U.K constitution according to A.V Dicey?
Parliamentary sovereignty and the rule of law
What is parliamentary sovereignty?
Parliament is the highest authority.
Parl’ can’t bind its successor.
Parl’ can legislate on any subject.
What is the rule of law?
All are equal in the eyes of the law.
The judiciary is independent.
All are entitled to a fair trial (due process)
What is statute law?
Acts of Parliament that have direct constitutional significance.
Give 2 examples of statute law
The human rights act of 1998
The parliament act of 1949
What is common law?
Judge made law that has developed through historical usage and tradition and is treated as any rule of conduct.
Give 2 examples of common law
The definition of homicide.
The prerogative powers of the PM.
What is a convention?
An unwritten rule that is considered binding on all members of a political community.
Although they could be challenged due to their mass of moral force they are rarely disputed.
Give 2 example of a convention
The Salisbury convention- states that the HoL should not block and legislation that was in the current governments latest manifesto.
Collective responsibility- all members of government must support official policy in the public or resign or face dismissal. E.g- Ian Duncan Smith, robin cook.
Name 2 Authoritative works
A.V Dicey’s- ‘the Rule of Law’
Walter Bagehog- ‘the English constitution’- 1867
What is a treaty?
The body of EU law that the U.K must abide by.
Name some examples of treaties?
The factortame case, 1990
The Maastricht treaty, 1993- EU in its modern form.
The Lisbon Treaty, 2007- includes article 50
What is a federal constitution?
Divides sovereignty between a central body and regional, sub-central bodies- e.g The U.S.A