The Constitution Flashcards
- set of binding norms and principles that regulate the legitimate exercise of power in a state
- establishes gov’t institutions, powers, and relationships
- the basis skeleton of governance
a gov’t’s authority is derived from the constitution
rule of law
the notion that laws, not ppl, should govern
judicial review
judges interpret and apply the law
Canadian Constitution
- shaped by colonial past
- institutional structures
- foundation of political and economic system
- borrowed traditions, customs, and conventions
responsible gov’t
branches of gov’t hold each other accountable and if a gov’t loses the ppl’s confidence, it loses authority and can be replaced
British North America Act of 1867
established the Canadian Constitution to be similar in principle to the British one
rooted in tensions between English Canada and Quebec
how did Quebec nationalism result in patriation talks?
- failures to amend the constitution resulted in an impasse
- nationalism raised the idea of its ‘unique status’
Quiet Revolution
- occurred in the 1970s and resulted in 2 camps: ‘special status’ (PQ’s Rene Levesque) vs. bilingual Canada (Liberals’ Pierre Trudeau)
PQ’s 1976 election
- kickstarted patriation, with promises of a referendum on Quebec sovereignty
Quebec’s 1980 referendum
failed (60% voting Yes) due to Trudeau’s promises of a renewed federalism, new amending formula, and a bill of rights
SCC’s role in patriation
- Trudeau appointed Bora Laskin to be first Jewish and youngest justice in 1970
- made him CJ in 1973, which was significant bc. he was a proponent of patriation
- granted the court more independence to hear appeals from anyone or any organization
3 key players in the upstarted patriation talks
- Canada AG Jean Chrétien
- SK AG Roy Romanow
- Ont AG Roy McMurty
Trudeau Package
- patriation
- Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- a domestic amending formula (initially had a veto for Q)