The constitution Flashcards
What are the sources of the UK consitution
- Common law ( judge made law).
- statute law ( parliamnetry staututes/acts
- authorrtative works
- Convention
- treaties
- historical Landmark decisions
Give 3 examples of statute law
- The HRA
- The scotland act
- the wales act
- the goodfriday agreement
Give an example of a common law
Bushels law (1670), The judge tried to fien the juary for not voting a certain way, edward bushel ignored this and a seperate judge ruled that judges my not try to “lead the jury bythe nose”
Give 3 examples of consitutuinal conventions
- The PM declairs war, overidden in 2003 when balir brought iraq to parliament
- The sailsbury convention, that teh house of lords will not appose/delay policies put to them tehat were in the winning parties manifesto.
- the public shold be consulted via a refurendom before parlaiment make cosnitutionally sigificant chances
Give 4 examples of historrically land mark dessiosn
- The parliament act 1911 and 1949 -limmiting the power of the lods first to only delay a bill 2 years then 1
- the representation of the peopels act 1918 and 1928 expandinf the franchise
- the bill of rigths 1689
- the magncarta 1215
when was the parliament act
1911 and 1949
Give an exampel of a consitutionally significant authortative work
2010, Gus O’Donnell on the precedures to be followed if a outrigth governement is not reached
Give an example of a constitutionally significant Treatie
The EU-UK withdrawal agreement 2020
when was the blair government
what are the primary aims on consitutional reform
- decentralisation of power
- democrtisation
- transparency
- right sprotection
(but they are all interconected)
what were the significant consitutional reforms of the balir era
- HRA 1998
- devolution
- The house of lords act 1999
- The constitutional reform act 2005 separation of powers ( converting the law lords to the supream court )
what is a non herritage peir in the hosue of lords called
a life pear
How are life pears appointed
The House of lords commision, but officially through the PM
Give exampels of 2 sucess of lords reform two failers of lords reform
- Only 92 herritage pers were left in 2000 (much better democrtisation
- life pears = policy experts to finalise bills
- still 92 left !
- partizan
2. Blair was critisised as giving life pearage to his political alies and labour Donors, appointing 203 lords and 162 labour. ( “cash of honers scandel”)
when was the fixed term parliament act
2011 not 2015
when was the recall of MP’s act
What were the successful and attempted consitutional reforms of the coallison governemt 2010-2015 (5)
- The fixed term parlaimet act 2011
- attemted elctoral reform (the AV refurndom) (2011)
- further devolution - (Scottish independence and more power to assemblies )
- elected police commissioners
- the recall of MP’s act 2015
the highest police comissiner tuenout is really ……….. % not 25%
The lowest police turn out for a police commisioner election has been ?