The Complete Maus Quotes Part B (visual/book/inhuman/hope/guilt) Flashcards
Vladek broken image depiction
Vladek is depicted across several frames which shows us a broken image of Vladek
Stationary bike metaphor
(image of past as wheel) symbolises im trying to move forward but being unable to
Depiction of Vladek when describing Anja
black to represent sadness
Inhumanity of soldiers shown
inhuman face of Nazi soldier
To represent being affected by past symbolism
sometimes both striped
Guilt and horror visual
hanging bodies
No safe paths
Swastika as path
Quote about book being real
“REAL - more human”
Happy every after quote
“we were both very happy, and lived happy, happy ever after”
Treating like human being quote
“I want to be treated like a human being”
Vladek helping others quote
“Of course I paid, what do you think? someone will risk their life for nothing?
Live/friendly quote
“if you want to live, it’s good to be friendly”
Hitler not human quote
‘not human’
Parshas truma quote
‘you will come out of this place - free’
No God quote
“but here God didn’t come. We were on our own”
Art on guilt not helping father
“I’d rather feel guilty”
Mother kill self quote
“killed herself”
Wish been in Auschwitz quote
“I somehow wish I’d been in Auschwitz with my parents so I could really know what they lived through. I guess it’s some kind of guilt about having had an easier life than they did.
Pavel on Vladek guilt
Maybe your father needed to show that he was always right - that he could always SURVIVE - because he felt GUILTY about surviving. And he took his guilt out on YOU, where he was safe… on the REAL survivor”’
Pavel on Art guilt
‘“And now that you’re becoming successful, you feel bad about proving your father wrong”’
Pavel guilt everyone quote
“maybe everyone has to feel guilty. Everyone forever”
Anja guilt/trauma quote
“I think to run into the electric wire and finish everything”