The Cold War, Korean War, and Vietnam War Flashcards
What were the two competing visions that were the sources of Soviet-American tensions?
- Soviet deceitfulness and expansionism
2. American provocations and imperial ambition
What was the Atlantic Charter and in what year was it signed?
The Atlantic Charter was a document that outlined visions for the post-WW2 world, signed in 1941
What 3 visions are outlined in the Atlantic Charter?
- Nations abandon their traditional beliefs in military power and spheres of influence
- Governed relations with each other through democratic processes
- An international organization arbitrates disputes and protects every nation’s right of self-determination
What were the topics of discussion of the Yalta Conference in 1945?
Conference between Stalin, FDR, and Churchill in the Soviet city of Yalta
- Stalin agrees to enter the war in the Pacific to help the US
- Agreement to make a plan for a new international organization (UN)
- Disagreement about the type of government that should be instituted in Poland
- Disagreement about Germany’s future
What was the Yalta Conference, in retrospect?
The Yalta Conference was less of a settlement of post-war issues and more of a set of loose principles that detoured around the important issues
What was the American policy towards the civil war in China?
Truman sends weapons and money to the Nationalists, led by Chiang, who are fighting against Mao Zedong, even when it is clear that the war is lost. However, he refuses to send troops over there and actually fight.
What did the Truman administration decide to do instead of fighting against the Communists in China?
They decide to open Japan up and lift its economic sanctions, encourage rapid economic growth, and hope that it will either unite or provide balance against the communists in Asia
What was containment?
Rather than attempting to organize a unified, “open” world, the US and their allies would work to “contain” the threat of further Soviet expansion (Communism)
What is the Truman Doctrine and in what year was it made?
- Outlines the containment policy
- Asks for 400M to help Greece and Turkey, who were in the middle of communist uprisings
- Written and presented to Congress in 1947
- Establishes an American stance on foreign policy that would last for 40+ years
What was the Marshall plan and what were its goals?
Proposal to aid in the economic reconstruction of Europe
- It was believed that unless we did something, pro-American governments there would fall under communist control
- Put 12B dollars worth of American aid into 16 eastern European countries who applied for the program
Was the Marshall plan successful?
By the end of 1950:
- European industrial production rose 64%
- Communist strength in the member nations declined
- Opportunities for American trade revived
What was the purpose of NATO?
April 4, 1949: 12 nations sign an agreement starting NATO
- Declare that an armed attack against one of them would be considered an attack against all of them
- They all maintain a standing military force in Europe to stop the threat of Soviet expansion
What was NSC-68?
Truman calls for a thorough review of American foreign policy. The result was a document from the National Security Council outlining the changes in American position. It argued that:
1. The US could no longer rely on other nations to take the initiative in resisting communism
2. Called for a major expansion of American military power
What major events caused the re-evaluation of NSC-68?
The collapse of the Chinese Nationalist party, taken over by the communists
What happened in 1950 that caused the US to commit itself to the 1st engagement of the Korean War?
June 24, 1950: The North Koreans invade South Korea and within days take the capital, Seoul
After WWII, where was Korea divided?
Temporary division from 1945-1949 along the 38th parallel
Describe the governments and military of North and South Korea in 1949.
NK: Very strong communist government and army, equipped by the Soviets
SK: Weak pro-Western government led by Syngman Rhee; small military used mainly to suppress domestic opposition
What did North Korea hope to accomplish with its invasion?
Relative weakness of SK tempted the NK who hoped to unify the country. When the US implied that SK was out of its defense, the temptation grew stronger, and the Soviets supported their offensive once it began
How did the Truman administration respond to the invasion of South Korea?
Truman appeals to the UN, and the Soviets can’t veto it because they were boycotting the UN at the time. Within 3 days, the UN had troops in Korea (1/3 of that force were Americans and General MacArthur leads the UN forces)
What was Truman’s goal in Korea?
To create “a unified, independent, and democratic” Korea
Why did China get involved in the Korean War?
UN forces pushed too close to the border between North Korea and China; Truman feared that by getting involved in a war with China, it would cause WW3
What caused the controversy between Truman and MacArthur?
MacArthur believed that they needed to win a total war (defeat China and anybody else who challenged them) in order to really destroy communism. Truman believed that they needed to just take the limited cease-fire and not cause WW3. Eventually, Truman fired MacArthur because he sent a letter to Congress detailing why he thought they should keep fighting after multiple warnings to keep his opinions to himself, and Truman saw it as insubordination.
Why can the Korean War be called a “limited war” or “police action”?
The Korean War was limited to just Korea and stopped there, and the US had attacked North Korea more to reprimand them for invading South Korea than anything else
How and when was the Korean war settled
War continued until 1953. In 1951, negotiations began at Panmunjon and the war continued until a cease-fire was reached
What is the status of the Korea’s today and American involvement?
NK: Communist
SK: Pro-Western
US: Relatively uninvolved
Describe the French involvement in Vietnam in WWII
Mid-1800s: Vietnam becomes a French colony
WWII: Falls under Japanese control
After WWII: Must be decided whether Vietnam will become part of France again or independent
Describe the Vietminh
- Powerful nationalist movement in Vietnam whose mission was to make Vietnam an independent nation
- Created by Ho Chi Minh in 1941
- 1945: Declared itself an independent nation and set up its government in Hanoi
After WWII, what was Truman’s dilemma in regards to Vietnam?
He was under heavy pressure from the British and French to support the French against Vietnam. Truman doesn’t help the French but he doesn’t stop them either.
What was the First Indochina War?
1946: 1. France goes back into Vietnam 2. At first, easily regains control 3. Vietminh begins to push back Late 1953: 1. Vietminh wins at the battle of Dien Bien Phu
What were the terms of the Geneva Accords and did the US sign them?
Conference planned to settle problems with Korea and included Vietnam at the last minute. The US didn’t sign the Vietnam part because they didn’t believe in negotiating with communists
What were the terms of the Geneva Accords?
- Vietnam would be temporarily divided at the 17th Parallel
- Vietminh would control the North and a pro-Western regime would control the South
- 1956: elections would be held to unite the two countries
Contrast North and South Vietnam
North Vietnam:
1. Controlled by the Vietminh
2. Heart of traditional Vietnamese society
3. Area where the French had the least influence
4. Most people still lived in tight-knit traditional villages
5. Poorest area of Vietnam (overpopulated, land wasn’t distributed well, and had a serious famine at the end of the war)
6. Passionately committed to the unification of the country
South Vietnam:
1. Much more recently settled area
2. More individualistic society
3. Many powerful sects were competing for power (factionalized)
4. More prosperous and fertile than the North
5. Not overpopulated
6. Had no legacy of strong commitment to the Vietminh
7. Influence of the French had been strongest here
8. Much more difficult to unite and govern than the North
Who led the governments of North and South Vietnam?
North Vietnam:
Ho Chi Minh
South Vietnam:
Ngo Dinh Diem
What was the Buddhist crisis?
People were unhappy with Diem’s rule (he was a very cruel leader). The Viet Cong forms and starts to fight back against the oppressive regime. Buddhists began to stage huge anti government demonstrations in retaliation, so military and police action was taken against them. In return, several Buddhist monks lit themselves on fire in the middle of the street.
How does the Kennedy administration react to the Buddhist crisis and what happens to Diem?
- The Kennedy administration begins to question their support of Diem and gives several high ranking military officials their permission to overthrow him
- The officials assassinate Diem and his brother and take power (the US hadn’t known about or condoned the killings)
What major factors caused Lyndon Johnson to escalate American involvement in Vietnam?
- He was pressured to expand it much more than he was to limit it
- He felt obligated to prove his worthiness for the office by continuing the policies of his predecessor
- He felt it necessary to retain in his presidency many of the key people in Kennedy’s administration
Dean Rusk
Secretary of State under Kennedy and Johnson
Robert McNamara
Secretary of Defense under Kennedy and Johnson; quietly leaves the government in 1968 after the anti-war movement takes off
McGeorge Bundy
National Security Advisor under Kennedy and Johnson
What was the strategy of attrition?
Belief that the US could caused so much damage and casualties on the enemy that it would eventually be unable and unwilling to continue.
Why did the strategy of attrition fail?
Failed because the North Vietnamese proved willing to commit far many more soldiers in the conflict than the US had expected and because the US relied heavily on bombing the North to eliminate the communists’ war making capacity
What was the pacification program and how was it to be achieved?
Program to push the Viet Cong from particular regions and then pacify those regions by winning the “hearts and minds” of the people
Why does Johnson decide to not escalate the war by using nuclear weapons or heavier bombing?
He didn’t want to provoke China or the Soviets
How where Americans at home reacting to the war by 1967?
The anti-war movement takes off, and American students opposed to the war become a significant political force
What was happening to the American economy as a result of the war and how did it affect Johnson’s Great Society program?
The American economy begins to suffer.
Early 1967:
1. Johnson asks Congress for a tax increase
2. In return, Congress asks him for a 6B reduction of funding for his Great Society programs
What was the Tet Offensive and why was it so significant?
January 31, 1968, First day of the Vietnamese New Year
North Vietnam launches a huge offensive. Is successful at first, but eventually the Americans push them back for devastating loses. Part of the battle in Saigon is recorded and a South Vietnamese official shooting a North Vietnamese man in the head after capturing him is caught and shown on TV to the public. Public approval for the war drops to very low levels. Johnson’s approval rate falls to 35%
Why did Johnson decide not to run for president in 1968 and what major concession did he make to antiwar groups?
- Public animosity towards him is so intense that he can barely leave the White House
- March 31, 1968: Johnson announces a limited halt in the bombing of North Vietnam
Who won the Republican nomination in 1968 and what were his major campaign promises?
- Richard Nixon
2. Offered a vision of stability, law and order, government retrenchment, and “peace with honor” in Vietnam
Henry Kissinger
- Person who Nixon appointed to be his special assistant for national security affairs
- Set out to find an acceptable solution to the stalemate in Vietnam
- Nixon and Kissinger’s new policy in Vietnam
- Training and equipping of the South Vietnamese army to assume the burden of combat in the burden of combat in place of American forces
What new military steps were taken to break the stalemate at the Paris peace talks?
Nixon drops his insistence on the removal of NV troops from SV before any American withdrawal
What were the Pentagon Papers and how did they affect public opinion?
June 1971
- New York Times began publishing excerpts from a secret study of war by the Defense Department during the Johnson administration
- Showed that the government had been dishonest in its reporting of both the military progress of the war and the motives for American involvement
- Revealed that American officials were justifying the war to themselves as a way to protect American prestige
Describe the My Lai tragedy and what it implied about military morale?
- Trial and conviction of Lieutenant William Calley
Charged with overseeing a massacre of 300+ SV civilians (1971) - Morale and discipline among US troops were deteriorating
What were the terms of the Paris Peace Accords?
- Immediate cease-fire
- NV would release several hundred American POVs
- NV forces in the south would remain there