The Cold War And The Un Flashcards
What is the United nations
The United nations is an intergovernmental organisation aiming to maintain peace and security and achieve international cooperation
When was the Security Council created
5 pernament members
France, Russia, USA, UK, China
Non-pernament members
6 members are elected for rotary
The security council
Consists of 11 members, decides if the un needs to intervene in a dispute
Peacekeepers are the un army and are referred to as blue helmets. Authorised by the security Council. Has taken part in 63 missions around the world. Nobel Peace prize
An instrument of international law and un members are bound by it
Universal declaration of human rights
An international document adopted by the un that enshrines the rights and freedom of all people
Impacts of the cold War
Vast sums of money wasted on the arms race
Nuclear disarmament
Instability to Eastern Europe
The cold war
Causes of the cold war
Different political systems
The iron curtain
Iron curtain
the imaginary line dividing Europe between Soviet influence and Western influence
Satellite states
Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland and Rumania are by this definition satellite states
Under the influence of the soviet Union
strategic foreign policy pursued by the United States during the Cold War to prevent the spread of communism after the end of World War II.
Peaceful coexistence
competition without war, or a policy of peace between nations , especially between Communist and non-Communist nations: