What are the stores in the multi store model?
Atkinson and Shiffrin
Sensory memory store, short term memory store and long term memory store
What are the key points of the sensory memory store?
It encodes in raw form, has a duration of 0-2 seconds, has a capacity of 3-4 items and if information is paid attention to it moves into the short term memory
What are the key points of the short term memory store?
It encodes acoustically, has a duration of 2-15 seconds, has a capacity of 7 (plus or minus 2) items and needs to be rehearsed to move into long term memory
What are the key points of the long term memory store?
It encodes semantically, has a duration and capacity that’s potentially infinite and needs to be rehearsed to stay in long term memory
What are the strengths of the multi store model?
Brain scans support it - Squire et al found that the hippocampus is linked to long term memory and the prefrontal cortex was linked to short term memory
People with Alzheimers retain their long term memory but their short term memory decays supporting that they are separate stores
Murdock found the serial position effect, where words at the start and end of a list are easy to remember due to primacy and recency effect
HM’s long term memory was unaffected but his short term memory was unaffected, supporting the separate stores
What are the weaknesses of the multi store model?
HM case study found that he could improve at the ‘mirror drawing’ task despite not remembering doing it before showing that memory is more complex than the MSM suggest
Brandimonte found that encoding in the short term memory isn’t just acoustic, as participants used visual encoding when their acoustic encoding was being used for something else
Clive Wearing cases study found that the long term memory is more complex as he could play the piano, despite not remembering learning it
It is too simplistic as the stores aren’t linear and information doesn’t just travel in one direction - DeGroot found that expert chess players used their long term memory to aid their short term memory when playing matches
What are the stores of the working memory model?
Baddeley and Hitch
Short term memory consists of four stores that work together:
Central executive, the phonological loop, the visuospatial sketchpad and the episodic buffer
What are the key points of the central executive?
The head and ‘boss’ of the model that oversees and controls the other subsystems by filtering and allocating information depending on morality
It doesn’t actually store any information itself
What are the key points of the phonological loop?
Deals with auditory information in speech form and consists of the phonological store (inner ear) and articulatory process (inner voice)
What are the key points of the visuo-spatial sketchpad?
Stores visual and spatial information and manipulates it and maintains and integrates information from channels using visual code
What are the key points of the episodic buffer?
Integrates visual, spatial and auditory information together, whilst also transferring information into the long term memory
Maintains a sense of time sequencing
What are the strengths of the working memory model?
Supported by brain scans - Smith showed that different parts of the brain are active during visual and auditory processing supporting that the phonological loop and visual-spatial sketchpad are separate
KF could process visual information but not verbal information
It has had practical applications in children with ADHD by suggesting breaking down information into chunks so the central executive can allocate small bits of information at one time
What are the weaknesses of the working memory model?
Not all aspects of the model are understood
Baddeley himself said that the central executive is the most important and least understood component as it hasn’t been properly researched
It was based on a laboratory experiment, which lacks ecological validity as recalling a list of words doesn’t reflect the use of memory in everyday life
Blind people have good spatial awareness despite having no visual input, suggesting that the visual-spatial sketchpad should be two separate stores
What are the stores of Tulving’s long term memory?
The episodic memory, semantic memory and procedural memory
What are the key points of the episodic memory?
Mental diary of personal events
‘time stamped’ and declarative meaning we can recall when it happened and it needs conscious effort to recall (eg 10th birthday party)