The cognitive approach Flashcards
What is the cognitive appraoch
this approach focuses on how mental processes( thoughts, perceptions,attention) affect behaviour
‘Cognitive’ means mental processes
Assumptions of cognitive approach
Cognitive approach argues internal mental processes should be studied scientifically
- Cognitive psycholgists look at internal mental processes ( thoughts, perceptions) to understand behaviour
- Mental processes are private & cant be studid directly so cogntive psycholgists study them indirectly by making inferences about what is going on inside peoples minds on basis of their behaviour
Inferences-process off drawing conclusions about somenones mind based on observed behaviour
e.g peterson & peterson inferred STM has duration of 18 s
Outline Key aspects of cognitive approach
- The role of schema
- The role of theoretical & computer models
- The emergence of Cognitive neuroscienve
Outline The role of theoretical & computer models
cognitive psychologists use both theoretical & computer models to understand internal mental processes
* Theoretical models(abstract)-diagrams representing the steps involved in internal mental processing
e.g of a theoretical model -working memory model,
which is a diagrammatic representation of STM made up of the following cognitive
components, through which info flows: CE, PL, VSS,EB
- Computer models *is where mind is compared to computer ‘computer analogy’
by suggesting info proccesses in mind is viewed similar to computer
For example, both contain a series of 3 processes: input, the use of a processor (e.g. the brain) and production of a comprehensible output (e.g. computer code or human language).
Computer models are the basis of development of AI
Both provide a basis for research
The role of schemas
Schemas are packages of ideas & info developed from experience ( they act as mental frameworks for interpreting info)
e.g a schema for a chair is something with legs you can sit on
As we get older,schemas become detailed & sophisticated
schemas enable us to process info quickly, prevents us from being overwhelmed by enviromental stimuli
Schemas may distort out interpretation of sensory info leading to perceptual errors
The emergence of cognitive neuroscience
is The scientific study of the influence of brain structures on mental processes
Paul broca-identified how damage to an area of frontal lobe can cause permanently imparied speech production
cognitive neuroscience emerged as a result of new technology such as FMRI & PET scans. allowing scientifists to observe & describe neurological basis of mental processes
e.g Tulving used cognitive neuroscience to find location of semantic & episodic memory
Outline how cognitive approach is scientific
Cognitive psychologists employ highly controlled methods for study , involved use of lab experiments
so researchers can infer cognitive processes using lab studies to produce reliable objective data & replicable standardised procedures
Emergence of Cog neuroscience enabled 2 fields, Cognitive psych & biology to enhance scientific studies
Thus has scientific credibility
Cognitive approach has real world applicatons in AI & depression
Cog approach made contributions in field of AI & development of ‘thinking machines’ & many advances for future. Cognitive principles have been applied in treatment of depression, improved reliability in eyewitness testimony
supports value of cognitive approach
Cognitive approach-soft determinism
issues & debates-strength
Cognitive approach is founded on soft determinism i.e the view that human behaviour may be determined by internal & external factors but can also exert free will antime This is a more reasonable interactionist position than hard determinism suggested by other approaches
Machine reductionism
- The study of IMP using computer & theoretical models is example of machine reductionism, such machine reductionism ignores influence of human emotion & motiviation on cognitive system & how it affects our ability to process info
- The fact that IMP can only be inferred means this approach to explaining behaviour is overyly abstract & detached from real life , lacks external validity
machine reductionism-reducing human personality and behaviour to the level of a computer,
Practical Applications of Cognitive Neuroscience
In education, cognitive neuroscientists can study a child’s performance in phonological tests to serve as a accurate prediction of their reading ability.
Thus , impact of cognitive neuroscience is increasingly seen in real world by using objective scientific methiods increasing reliability