The Code - 41.61 Code of Ethics Flashcards
The Preamble
What is the preamble to the code of ethics
- Honor human rights
- Commit to growing knowledge of human behavior, identity, and promoting human welfare.
- Protect the welfare of others (person or animal)
- Use skills for good; avoid misuse.
- Commit to competence, objectivity, concern for the best interests of everyone.
P7 - Professional Relationships
Publication Credits
- Major Contributions by multiple authors = joint partnership.
- Minor contributions = acknowledge in footnotes or introduction
- Editing/Compilation = Editor
- Acknowledge and name everyone.
P9 - Research with Human Participants
Minimal Risk
‘‘Minimal risk’’ means that the risks of harm anticipated in the proposed research are not greater, considering probability and magnitude, than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests.
P10 - Care and Use of Animals in Research
What is the appropriate procedure for terminating an animal’s life
- If you have to end an animal’s life, do it rapidly and painlessly.
What is the sole, basic premise for the Code of Ethics?
To protect the public while maintaining the highest professional standard possible.
What powers the Board?
Code of Ethics and The Professional Psychologist Practice Act
According to the preamble…
While demanding freedom of inquiry and communication, psychologists accept that their responsibility to said freedoms require what elements?
- Competence
- Objectivity (in application of skills)
- Concern (for client’s best interests, colleagues, and society)
P1 - Responsibility
In our commitment to understanding human behavior, , what are our goals?
- To value objectivity and integrity
- Providing best possible services
- Taking responsibility for our work
- Ensuring our work is used ethically
P1 - Responsibility
As psychologists, we accept responsibility for our research topics, methods, analysis, and results. What steps do we take to ensure ethical practice?
- We plan our research to minimize misleading findings
- We discuss the limitation of our data (especially if touches on social policy or might be construed to negatively impact people on the basis of their identities).
- We never suppress disconfirming data
- We always acknowledge alterative hypotheses and explanations for our findings.
- We only take credit for the work we’ve actually done.
P1 - Responsibility
As psychologists, what steps must we take in order to avoid conflicting relationships and conflicts of interest? How do we manage this with research environments?
We have to clarify in advance WITH ALL INVOLVED AND APPROPRIATE PERSONS the expectations for sharing and using research
Minimize all interference in the research milieu.
P1 - Responsibility
What responsibility do we have regarding public/private use of psychological findings by our places of hire?
We have to prevent distortion, misuse, suppression of all psychological findings.
P1 - Responsibility
What governmental bodies hold us accountable? To what standards?
- The Board (and any other professional organizations
- We are held to the highest professional standard.
P1 - Responsibility
As teachers, how do we help others acquire the highest standards of knowledge and skills?
By presenting psychological information objectively, fully, and accurately.
P1 - Responsibility
What principles must we abide by when using computer assessments or computer generated data?
- We are LEGALLY and ETHICALLY responsible for the assessment, generation, and use of data as a public service.
- When we receive the results of a computerized tests, we become responsible for their use.
- When a non-psychologists is given a computerized test, the psychologist will give them an assessment and evaluation according to the current standards of non-computerized assessments.
P2 - Competency
- What is the expectation of competent practice?
- whose guidelines do we follow for competent practice?
- What do we do if we are operating in an area where standards do not exist?
- We always practice within our scope (our training and education) and be mindful of our limitations
- We follow the APA
- If standards do not exist, then we make sure that we are always acting in service of the client.
P2 - Competency
What is our responsibility to ethical violations committed by colleagues (be they licensed or unlicensed)
It is our duty to try to remedy the violation informally (e.g. confront them about it)
and then forward the complaint to the board if it is not resolved.
P2 - Competency
What constitutes independent practice?
An ownership interest by a person who provides direct services to a client in a business which provides psychological services
P2 - Competency
What qualifies a psychologist to independent practice?
Their license.
All unlicensed providers can work under them.
P2 - Competency
Which degrees qualify as approved psychological education?
Degrees obtained from accredited institutions.
The institutions have to be accredited by a regional accrediting association.
P2 - Competency
Who approves the regional accrediting association that accredits the relevant institutions
commission of recognition of postsecondary accreditation
P2 - Competency
What degrees from foreign colleges can be represented as qualified psychological education?
Foreign degrees have to be seen as equivalent to degrees earned by the regional/national accredited institutions in the states.
P2 - Competency
while nonpsychological degrees are not prohibited from representation, what is the protocol if they’re generic?
holders have to specific the discipline of each degree earned.
generic degree = Ph.D., Ed.D., M.S., M.A. and M.Ed
P2 - Competency
How do teachers ensure ethical coursework?
they prepare carefully and make sure everything is accurate, current, and scholarly.
P2 - Competency
What must be done to ensure cultural sensitive practice?
Psychologists must obtain any training, counsel, and experience necessary to ensure that they are practicing effective culturally competent care.
P2 - Competency
What must we do if personal problems impact our ability to be effective?
- Refrain from taking on activities in which our personal problems will diminish the quality of our work or could harm a client/colleague/peer/student/participant
P2 - Competency
What can we do if we become aware of personal issues impacting our performance, but we’re already engaged in the activity?
We seek professional assistance to determine if we should do the following:
- suspend
- terminate
- limit
our scope responsibility (practice/scientific)
P3 - Moral and Legal Standards
According to regulations, we have standards like everyone else, but how we portray them might harm our effectiveness or create distrust in the field of psychology. What must we do to circumvent any issues that could arise due to our moral, ethical, and legal standards? What must we be aware of with our colleagues?
- Be aware of prevailing community standards.
- Be mindful of how our conformity or deviation could impact the quality of our work.
- Be aware of how public behavior can impact the ability of colleagues to perform effectively too.
P3 - Moral and Legal Standards
We do not conduct or condone any inhumane or illegal practices. What is included with inhumane/illegal practices?
Unlawful, disciminatory practices.
P3 - Moral and Legal Standards
What actions should we avoid?
Anything that will violate/diminish any civil rights of another person or someone who may be impacted by our actions regardless of professional relationship.
P3 - Moral and Legal Standards
We typically follow the APA and our Board, as well as governmental laws and institutional regulations. What do we do if they’re in conflict?
- Make known our commitment to resolve the issue.
- Make effort to resolve the issue.
- Resolution must always be in the best interest of the public.
P4 - Public Statement
What is the overall goal of public statements, announcements of services, and promotional activities of psychologists
They serve the purpose of providing sufficient information to aid the consumers in making informed judgments and choices.
P4 - Public Statement
What do psychologists represent in their public statements?
- Their Qualifications
- Affiliations and Functions
(They do the same for institutions/organizations they’re associated with)
P4 - Public Statement
What information do psychologists base their statements about products, publications, and services on?
- Psychological findings
- Psychological techniques
- full understanding of limitations and uncertainties of some evidence.
P4 - Public Statement
Who can be in the yellow pages (under psychologists) ?
Psychologists licensed by the state board
If they’re licensed in another state, they have to write to the Board showing their qualifications in compliance with the regulation.
P4 - Public Statement
What are the rules for groups advertising themselves as “Psychologists - Group, Association and Corporate Practice”
They can list themselves as “Psychologists - Group, Association and Corporate Practice” if a licensed psychologist is responsible for the delivery of services.
P4 - Public Statement
If the psychologist is announcing/advertising their services/being listed in a directory, what can they list?
- Name
- Relevant Degree (from accredited institutions)
- Date
- Type and Level of Certification or Licensure
- Diplomate Status
- Professional membership status
- Address
- telephone number
- office hours
- brief listing of type of services offered
- Fee information
- Foreign Languages spoken
- Policy for third-party payments
- Additional relevant info if allowed by the Code of Ethics, Act, and Regulations
P4 - Public Statement
What are the requirements for advertising a personal growth group?
- Statement of purpose
- Nature of experiences provided
- Education and training of psychologist
P4 - Public Statement
What is prohibited in a public statement?
Ultimately the goal is to: Do not falsely advertise yourself and deceive your clients.
- Do not falsely associate yourself with an organization in a way that implies that your membership = special competence or qualifications
- False, misleading, fraudulent statements
- Statements likely to mislead or deceive (due to only partial relevant facts)
- Sensationalism
- Exaggeration
- Superficiality
- Statements that create unjustified expectations of favorable results.
- Promise of unusual, unique or one of a kind techniques
- Preying on client fears and concerns about poor results
- False comparisons between your service and another providers.
P4 - Public Statement
Are psychologists allowed to compensate the press for professional publicity?
P4 - Public Statement
What are the rules regarding paid advertisements?
You have to identify ALL sponsorship (unless said sponsorship was clear)
P4 - Public Statement
What are our obligations toward pre-recorded ads?
We have to retain the recordings and check them for accuracy of info and approval.
P4 - Public Statement
What’s our obligation if we are associated with the development or promotion of psychological devices, books, or other products for commercial sale?
All info is presented in a professional, scientifically acceptable and factually informative manner.
P4 - Public Statement
Are we allowed to do face to face, direct solicitation of clients?
P4 - Public Statement
Can we participate in commercial announcements or ads for personal gain?
Not when participation is based solely upon their identification as a psychologist.