The City Planners Flashcards
(1-2) 2
Cruising these residential Sunday
streets in dry August sunlight:
Poem begins w/ speaker ‘cruising’ a neighborhood, driving aimlessly + enjoying sun
Start suggests comfort + caml :
-residential: not busy
-August: vacation + leisure
-Sunday: weekend + church
what offends us is
the sanities:
the houses in pedantic rows, the planted
sanitary trees
Brief tonal change
sibilance: suggests hissing at being offended
Speaker explains ‘sanities’ he finds offensive:
-pedantic = overly perfect
-planted = deliberately placed where they are
-‘sanitary trees’ = lost their wildness + nothing natural about them
(6-8) 4
Sanitary trees, assert
levelness of surface like a rebuke
to the dent in our car door.
Personification of trees and houses –> says they are actively judging speaker for being imperfect
Sibilance: sounds like disapproving hiss
rebuke=tell off
9-12 (3)
No shouting here, or
shatter of glass; nothing more abrupt
than the rational whine of a power mower
cutting a straight swathe in the discouraged grass.
Issue isn’t only the looks; there’s no interesting sounds to break the monotony
The one suprising sound is to keep house looking neat
–> in neighborhood every disturbance can be explained
discouraged grass = personification:
Nature here isn’t allowed to grow, but rather placed, mantained & controlled
(hence its discouragement sinc it isn’t free)
But though the driveways neatly
sidestep hysteria
by being even, the roofs all display
the same slant of avoidance to the hot sky,
But –> though homes look perfect, there’s something off putting about them
2-3.5: they think that if they look orderly enough, no messiness can creep in (sidestem = avoid)
3.5-4: roofs all slope at same angle to avoid struggles & chaos of rest of world
(Hot sky = global warming –> building these suburbs)
Sharp ‘T’ consonance: mirrors sharp borders of driveways
sibilance: mirrors sinister hush that fills the neighbourhood
17-22 (4)
certain things;
the smell of spilt oil a faint
sickness lingering in the garages,
a splash of paint on brick surprising as a bruise,
a plastic hose poised in a vicious
coil; even the too-fixed stare of the wide windows
Darkness beneath neighbourhoods pristine surface
Oil described as ‘sickness’: hints at humanity’s increasing petroleum + fossil fuel dependance
–> critiques suberbs bc = longer routes to work + large lawns which use ‘power’ mowers to keep tidy
3: slightest disruption to neighbourhood, nos only seen as ‘surpsising’, also violent
last line: despite houses being occupied, they are lifeless + seem sad & vacant, unlike houses built w/ love+ care
23-25 (1)
give momentary access to
the landscape behind or under
the future cracks in the plaster
Speaker looks at suburb’s perfection & they get glimpse into a future where houses have fallen apart
26-28 (3)
when the houses, capsized, will slide
obliquely into the clay seas, gradual as glaciers
that right now nobody notices.
Neighbourhood will slowly crumble; Houses will tumble into water bc of rising seas
last line: they feel so safe in their houses, it doesn’t occur to them to worry about the future of their planet
Slow ‘l’ consonance –> slows passage down
quick ‘n’ alliteration –> obsessive cosmetic concerns distract from issues w/ greater consequence
–> critizising tone
28-32 (3)
That is where the City Planners
with the insane faces of political conspirators
are scattered over unsurveyed
territories, concealed from each other,
each in his own private blizzard;
After these houses have fallen apart, City Planners will be looking for some new/wild land to tame into a suburb
private blizzard= suggests they can’t see clearly (not each other / the world / their work)
–> they are disconnected from reality
Concealed = hidden
guessing directions, they sketch
transitory lines rigid as wooden borders
on a wall in the white vanishing air
tracing the panic of suburb
order in a bland madness of snows.
White vanishing wall = things getting wilder (climate change) yet planners continue to act as if they can bent the environment to their will
Need for such strict control is insane
–> attempt to impose order is a form of panic = an irrational, gut-reaction to fear
Name the 2 Themes
1) Order control & madness
2) environment
Describe the theme of : order, control & maddness
Critiques humanity’s obsession w/ controlling its environment
Describe the theme of : environment (2+2)
- suburbs surface is neat + tidy –> shields people from the true cost of their crushy lives
- suburbs aren’t only a distraction, but also a part of the problem
–> they transform wild territories to vast suburbs , using up more of earth’s natural resources in the process
–> short sighted greed will result in an unstable planet
Stanzas keep getting shorter:
-reflects the way suburbs disconnect people from each other & keep everyone in their ‘sanitary’ worlds
-this disconnection is destroying the environment: people no longer work together for everyone’s benefit, only for their personal desires
Metric pattern & rhyme
Fits in w/ powm’s critique of humanity’s destructive desire to ‘perfect’ its environment w/ ‘rigid’ designs