The Circulatory System - The Heart Flashcards
What are the two types of Circulation around the body?
Pulmonary circulation and Systemic circulation
Explain Systemic Circulation
Systemic circulation moves blood between the heart and the rest of the body.
Explain Pulmonary Circulation
The pulmonary circulation involves the passage of blood from the heart to the lungs and back.
How many chambers does the heart have and what are they?
The heart has four chambers, they are: the two atria [left and right atrium] and the two ventricles [left and right ventricle]
Which chamber is the receiving chamber?
The Atrium
Which chamber is the pumping chamber?
The Ventricle
Explain the Receiving chamber
Receives deoxygenated blood from the body by the Superior and Inferior Vena Cava through the right
Explain the Pumping Chamber
Pumps blood to the lungs by the right ventricle through the Pulmonary Artery
Explain the Right Atrium
The Right Atrium receives oxygen poor blood from other parts of the body and pumps it to the right ventricle
Explain the Right Ventricle
The Right Ventricle pumps to the oxygen poor blood to the lungs where it becomes oxygenated
Explain the Left Atrium
The Left Atrium receives oxygen rich blood from the lungs and pumps it to the Left Ventricle
Explain the Left Ventricle
The Left Ventricle pumps the oxygen rich blood out to the body supplying all organs
What are Heart Valves?
Heart valves are parts of your heart that act like doors
What do heart valves do?
The valves prevent the backward flow of blood.
What are the four types of Heart Valves and where are they located?
Tricuspid valve and it is located between the right atrium and right ventricle
Pulmonary valve and it is located between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery
Mitral valve/Bicuspid and it is located between the left atrium and the right ventricle
Aortic valve and it is located between the left ventricle and the aorta
What is the Aortic Valve’s job?
The Aortic Valve helps to keep blood flowing in the correct direction
through the heart.
It separates the heart’s main pumping chamber (left ventricle) and the main artery that supplies oxygen-rich blood to your body (aorta)
What is the Mitral Valve’s job?
It helps to keep your blood flowing in the right direction and helps to prevent blood from leaking back into the left atrium
Describe the open tricuspid and the mitral valve
Blood flows from the right atrium into the right ventricle through the open tricuspid valve and from the left atrium into the left ventricle
through the open mitral valve.
Describe the closed tricuspid valve and the mitral valve
When the right ventricle is full, the tricuspid valve closes and keeps blood from flowing backward into the right atrium when the ventricle contracts.
When the left ventricle is full, the mitral valve closes and keeps blood
from flowing backward into the left atrium when the ventricle
Describe the flow of blood through the heart
First, blood returns from the body to the right atrium.
The right atrium, now full of oxygen-depleted blood, pumps the blood
through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle.
Then the right ventricle contracts to pump blood through the pulmonary
valve into the pulmonary artery.
Describe the flow of blood through the heart
The pulmonary artery brings blood away from the heart to the lungs where the blood receives the oxygen we breathe, becoming oxygen-rich blood.
At the same time the above process is occurring, oxygen-rich
blood is returning from the lungs by way of the left atrium.
Describe the flow of blood through the heart
The left atrium then moves the blood through the mitral valve into the left ventricle.
When the left ventricle contracts, it moves blood through the aortic valve into the aorta. The aorta then provides blood to the rest of the