The Christian And Media Flashcards
Hidden from detection; secretive and without being recognized
Stereotyped against; prejudiced
The act of removing what may be considered objectionable to people
Of the present time; recent
Editorial page
Opinion page of the newspaper, when readers and writers express their views
Equal access
Every political part receives the same radio/TV broadcast length and time of day
Federal Communication Commission
Oversees the communications industry in America, and enforces broadcast laws
The power the produce a desired result
Plan; course of action
A person who obtains money illegally, sometimes by threat of physical abuse
Sound bite
A short clip of TV footage which may cut a speaker’s words to a few seconds of time
1 John 5:6
Informs us that the Holy Spirit is truth
Matthew 24:4
Jesus wanted us about being deceived by false teachers
Information is the key to
Intelligent public opinion
Newspaper editors have often taken lead in?
Influencing public opinion, especially in local affairs
All newspapers are ___ in some way
William Randolph Hearst
Newspaper owner who used his newspaper for more than just reporting news
Accused of sensationalism in publications
Controversy surrounded Hearst’s newspaper
New York Journal in late 1890s
Accused of overreacting sinking battleship Maine on February 15, 1848
The political viewpoint of a newspaper can be learned from reading
Its editorial page, where it takes a stand on the issues of today
Contemporary, political, social, and economics issues are addressed in news magazines such as:?
Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News and World Report
Magazines of critical opinion are:?
American Spectator and New Republic
Television ad radio carry a ____ impact
“See it now”
In 1998, Senator John Glenn orbited the earth
The action was carried live instead of tape delay
The official policy of broadcasting companies is to?
Present all sides of a controversial political issue
II Corinthians 13:8
Tells the Christian to work towards the truth daily
Proverbs 10:23
A wise person will seek to understand an issue, but a fool will cause problems all along the way due to his ignorance
When newspapers run blaring headlines and high emotion articles they abusing the truth in news to try to draw readers-?