The Chest: Chest Wall, Pulmonary, and Cardiovascular Systems; The Breasts Flashcards
What is pulsus paradox ?
A drop in SBP of > 10 mmHg during inspiration is called Pulsus pardox.
What is the mechanism of pulsus paradox?
Increase in RV filling causing bulging of the septum to the left ventricle during inspiration + reduction in left ventricular filling reduces SV of the left ventricle during inspiration leading to Pulsus paradox.
What are the causes of pulsus paradox?
- COPD and Asthma attacks
- moderate to severe cardiac tamponade
- Constrictive pericarditis.
Cardiac tamponade occurs in what % of patients with neoplastic, tubercular or purulent pericarditis ?
61 %
What are the elements of Beck’s triad in cardiac tamponade?
- Low BP
- Distended Juglar veins
- Muffled heart sounds.
When is pericardial rub heard in cardiac tamponade ?
When it occurs due to inflammatory pericarditis.
What type of aortic dissection causes cardiac tamponade ?
stanford Type A or dissection of the ascending aorta.
What is Kusmul’s sign ?
It is the paradoxical raise in JVP during inspiration and is classically seen in constrictive pericarditis.
What is the mechanism of Kusmul’s sign ?
It develops due to impaired filling of the right ventricle due to fluid in the pericardial space or poor compliance of myocardium or pericardium.
What causes S2 heart sound ?
It is caused by tensing and reverberation of the aortic and pulmonic valves and the great vessels heard during
What are the components of the S2 ?
A2 of aortic valve closure and P2 which is the delayed closure of pulmonic valve due to right ventricular filling during inspiration causing a longer ejection time.
What is the difference in the second heart sound during inspiration and expiration ?
During inspiration it is split and during expiration it is single under physiologic conditions.
What is the best location to hear the physiologically split second heart sound ?
Pulmonic area
What is the cause of a P2 louder than A2 in pulmonic area ?
Pulmonary HTN most commonly due to ASD
What causes wide splitting of S2 ?
prolonged RV ejection time or shortened LV ejection time.
What are the causes of prolonged RV ejection time ?
- Pulmonic stenosis or HTN causing increased resistance to ejection.
- Increased R ventricular SV as in ASD.
What are the causes of lower intensity A2 of S2 heart sound ?
- Mitral or aortic regurgitation
- Low DBP
- Relatively immobile aortic valve
What are the causes of fixed splitting of S2 ?
- The most common cause is ASD.
- Any condition that causes severe RVF can cause fixed splitting RV outflow obstruction, pulmonary HTN, and primary RV dysfunction.
What is the character of the murmur of mitral stenosis ?
Low pitched diastolic rumble best heard at the mitral area during inspiration.
What is the character of the murmur of aortic regurgitation ?
An early diastolic decrescendo murmur
What is the cause of wider pulse pressure in AR ?
It is caused by the combined effect of rapid decrease in arterial pressure due to regurgitation of ejected blood into the LV and the rapid increase in SV due to ventricular overload. It is the cause of Watson’s collapsing pulse and Corrigan’s collapsing pulse.
What is De Musset’s sign ?
head bobbing seen in AR