The changing position of women 1917-80 Flashcards
when was the 19th amendment passed?
august 1920
what was the 19th amendment and who faced the limitations of it?
allowed women to vote on the same grounds as men however poorer and black women didn’t usually vote
what did the 1920 League of women voters do?
encouraged mainly white women to vote
what was the impact of WW1 on women employment?
many women worked however they were fired to give jobs to returning soldiers
what was the view of women after the war?
they were expected to return to traditional roles and married women were banned from certain jobs
when was the Women’s Bureau of Labour set up?
who were the Flappers?
young women who cut their hair, smoke and drank in public , and had sexual freedom
what did the Flappers achieve?
they shifted public perceptions of women
how did the Great Depression impact women?
restricting hours often forced the poorest women to break rules/lose their jobs and the new deal relief programs were mainly focused on women in industrial work
what did the 1932 Women Bureau of Labour report?
97% of women workers in meat packing were the only wage earner in their families
when did Eleanor Roosevelt set up Camp Tera and what was the purpose of it?
1933 to meet the needs of unemployed women
how many people did camps take in by 1936?
36 camps Tok on 5000 women
what did Fannie Peck do?
in 1930 set up a series of Housewives leagues to encourage women to shop in black ran stores and organise local help for those in need
how much did white woman earn in comparison to black women ?
white woman earned 63 cents and black women earned 23 cents
when and what was the Selective training and Service act?
1940, prepared to draft men into the military and train women to fill their places
when and what was the Lanham act’s childcare provision
1941, was extended to allow more married women to work
how many women were working in agriculture by 1943?
about 3 million
how much did married women working rise during WW2
rose from 12% to 23%
how were black women in nursing courses impacted during WW2?
rose to 2600 by 1945
what happened to working women after WW2?
many were fired to give their job to returning men
how did married women between 45-54 working get impacted by WW2?
rose from 10.1% In 1940 to 22.2% in 1950
how was women employment after WW2?
widowed/separated women still worked, black and coloured women still worked and attitudes towards married woman changed however they were still paid less than men
how many people moved to suburbs by 1960/
19 million
what happened to working women living in suburbs?
they were often excluded from groups
when were shopping malls built
when was the Women’s liberation movement?
National Organisation of women
set up in 1966 and aimed to work within the political system to get better equality and enforcement of the equal pay and civil rights act
when was the equal pay act passed
what did the commission President Kennedy set up find out?
girls weren’t encouraged to think about careers, equal pay act needed enforcing, min wage didn’t apply to low paid work, non-white women were discriminated against
1958 education act
schools should have counsellors to work with students
issue with the 1958 education act
few were trained and gave poor advice
who were the young radicals?
under 30, white middle class, worked with black civil right groups
what did the 1964 civil rights act include
sexual and racial equality
what did the young radicals want?
equal rights, opportunities and pay, right to decide about own body (contraception/abortion/sexual freedom)
what happened on the 26th August 1970?
a strike with many feminist groups demanding for for equal opportunities in jobs and education, free childcare and free abortion on demand
what happened to NOW membership?
increased from 1000 in 1967 to 20,000 in 1974
what happened to the support of the women’s liberation movement?
lost some support as not all woman supported the use of contraception and abortion
what was the 1979 UN policy the USA didn’t sign up to?
introducing non-discrimination of women in all aspects of life
1972 Einstadt v Baird
allowed access to contraception to unmarried and married women
1973 Roe v Wade
abortion was federally legalised with rules on timing/health of mother
what did president Johnson do?
extended his executive order which improved employment conditions for those discriminated due to race, creed, colour and sexual
what limitations did women still face?
Employers still found acceptable reasons to discriminate against women and Non-white women felt excluded as they all didn’t want/need the same things
what was the % of working women in the roaring twenties
rose from 8.3% to 9.5%