The Challenge of Secularism Flashcards
What does Freud argue causes belief in religion?
Psychological fear of a chaotic, unpredictable world and fear of adult responsibilities
Freud suggests that during childhood, order is represented by the father, leading to projection of an order-providing eternal father – God.
According to Freud, what role does religion play in people’s lives?
Religion is the process of unconscious wish fulfilment
Freud believes that without religion, individuals may face mental harm due to the inability to cope with a godless, purposeless life.
What does Freud suggest should replace the childish state of mind regarding religion?
A scientific understanding of the world
This understanding provides order and predictability without illusion.
How does Freud describe the doctrines of religion?
They carry the stamp of the times in which they originated, reflecting the ignorant childhood days of the human race
This reflects his view that religious beliefs are outdated and simplistic.
What is Dawkins’ view on the nature of belief in religion?
An irrational mind believes whatever it wants rather than searching for the truth
Dawkins is influenced by Freud, viewing religion as childish wishful thinking regarding death.
What psychological predispositions does Dawkins mention lead to belief in supernatural beings?
- A tendency to obey authority
- A tendency to believe what you’re told
- A tendency to fear your own death
- A wish to see deceased loved ones
- A wish to understand origins
These predispositions can lead people to believe in things for which there is no evidence.
What does Dawkins criticize about how religion provides meaning and purpose?
It is an infantile presumption that someone else should give your life meaning
Dawkins argues that adults should create their own meaning in life.
How does Dawkins compare religion to childhood beliefs?
He compares it to fairy stories like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy
He views religion as an unscientific and childish attempt to explain reality.
What counterargument does McGrath present against the idea that belief in religion is solely irrational?
Many reasonable people convert to religion long after childhood
Examples include himself and philosopher Antony Flew, who changed their views due to modern design arguments based on scientific discoveries.
What flaw does McGrath identify in the analogy between religion and childhood beliefs in Santa Claus?
There are no adults who believe in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy
This highlights that belief in religion persists beyond childhood.
What recurring atheist criticism of religious belief does McGrath mention?
That it is infantile – a childish delusion
This criticism suggests that such beliefs should disappear as humanity matures.
What does McGrath argue about the reasons for belief in God?
It is an overgeneralisation to think all believers have infantile reasons for belief
He suggests that Freud and Dawkins overlook other motivations for religious belief, such as moral and spiritual guidance.
What is Freud’s suggested 11th commandment?
Thou shalt not question
What does Freud imply about people who accept religious doctrines uncritically?
They exhibit weakness of intellect
Freud critiques the lack of critical thinking in accepting religious beliefs.
According to Dawkins, how does religion negatively impact society?
Encourages irrational thinking
What story does Dawkins use to illustrate his point about faith versus evidence?
The story of the doubting Thomas
What does Jesus imply about his disciples in relation to faith?
Their faith is stronger because they don’t need evidence
How does Dawkins define faith?
The great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence
What does Dawkins say faith represents?
Belief in spite of, or because of, the lack of evidence
What is McGrath’s position on religious belief?
Religious belief is rational
Which philosopher’s arguments does McGrath reference to defend religious belief?
What are Aquinas’ 5 ways intended to show?
The inner consistency of belief in God
How does McGrath clarify Aquinas’ arguments?
They are not ‘proofs’ of God’s existence
What is the purpose of a posteriori arguments according to McGrath?
To show logical reasons to believe in God
Can belief in God involve rational argument according to McGrath?
What is a counterpoint to McGrath’s argument regarding the rationality of belief?
Internal consistency does not justify belief
What does Dawkins argue about the existence of multiple religions?
Not all can be true and choosing one is not reasonable
True or False: McGrath believes that Aquinas’ arguments serve as absolute proofs of faith.
Fill in the blank: Dawkins believes that faith encourages people to take things on _______ instead of reason.