The central nervous system- CNS Flashcards
Cells that form connective tissue in the nervous system, usually providing structural support and protection for neurones.
Includes: Astrocytes Oligodendrocytes Schwann cells Microglia
Neuroglia accounts for most of the nervous system, compared to neurones.
Neuroglia cells present in the CNS.
- Provides structural support for neurones.
- Supplies neurones with nutrients like glucose and lactate.
- Helps to remove excess K+ from neurones.
- Involved in repair of axons.
Neuroglia cells in the CNS.
- Responsible for the production and maintenance of the myelin sheath in myelinated axons.
- One oligodendrocyte can form myelin sheaths on multiples neurones.
Neuroglia cells of the CNS.
- Specialised macrophage that gives immunological protection.
- Releases H2O2, making it cytotoxic to pathogenic cells.
- Can also promote repair of axons.
Schwann cells
Neuroglia cells of the PNS.
- Responsible for producing myelin sheath.
- One schwann cell is only able to provide myelin for one neurone.
- Also involved in the regeneration of axons.
The structure that allows communication between neurones.
Can be chemical or electrical.
Chemical: uses neurotransmitters to send signals and involves the opening of Ca2+ channels.
Electrical: Neurones require contact depending signalling which allow direct flow of ions.
Nerve cells of the nervous system that carry information.
Can be:
Afferent: carries information to the CNS- sensory.
Efferent: carries information away from the CNS to effect organs- motor
Unipolar neurones
Neurones with only one axon.
The cell body is present in the ganglia close to the intervestrial foramen.
Example: primary sensory neurones.
Bipolar neurones
Neurones with an axon and dendron.
Dendron carries signal to the cell body whilst axon carries the signal away from the cell body.
Example: specialised sensory neurones that detect pain, touch.
Those found in the retina.
Multipolar neurones
Neurones with one axon and multiple dendrons.
Seen in motor neurones and multiple neurones in the brain.
Compare myelinated axons from unmyelinated axons.
Myelinated: Much more rapid conduction of signals due to saltatory conduction.
Can conduct signals up to 120 m/s
Unmyelinated: Much slower conduction due to propagated signal across the axon
Can only conduct signals up to 1.5 m/5
- Seen in pain fibres.
Central nervous system
Composed of the brain and spinal cord:
Brain: forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain
Spinal cord: Enclosed in vertebrae. Segmented: - Cervical - Thoracic - Lumbar - Sacral
Composed of grey and white matter.
Grey= Cell bodies and synapses
White= myelinated axons
Divided into:
Midbrain and hindbrain
Forms the brainstem
Contains: Pons (hindbrain) Cerebellum (hindbrain) Tectum (mid) Cerebral peduncle (mid) Medulla oblongata (hind)
- Connects cerebral cortex to the spinal cord.
- Controls respiratory and cardiovascular functions.
Part of the hindbrain
Coordinates complex, fine motor control