The Causes Of The Forst World War Flashcards
Who were the Triple Alliance?
Who were the triple Entente?
What was Germany like before WW1?
Before it became Germany, it was a collection of small independent states of which Prussia was the most powerful
They won a war against France and then became Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm 1st rule
Germany took from France Alsace-Lorraine and guarded it
Formed an alliance with Italy and Austria-Hungary
What were Kaiser Wilhelm 2nd’ ambitions and concerns?
Felt Germany should be a world power and should have overseas colonies and an empire
The kaiser ordered the building of a large navy which is the 2nd most powerful fleet after Britain
German leaders feared encirclement - the friendship between Russia and France was seen as an attempt to surround and threaten Germany
Germany was conserved by the huge build up of arms in Russia and Russia’s large army
What ethic groups made up Austria Hungary?
Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Serbs and many others
However, how were all these different ethnic groups a problem?
In the north, the Czech people wanted to rule themselves
The Slav people in south-west wanted their own state
The Serbs in the south wanted to be joined to the neighbouring state of Serbia
The emperor, Franz-Jospeh was worried about keeping the empire (Austria Hungary) together
What problems did Austria-Hungary also have with the neighbouring states?
It’s newly-independent neighbour Serbia was becoming a powerful force in the Balkans
Austria was anxious if the became any stronger
Russia supported the Serbs and Russia itself had a very strong army
What was Italy like before WW1?
It also wanted to set up colonies and establish an overseas empire, just like Germany
Therefore, it joined a triple alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary
However, those two countries didn’t trust Italy completely
Italy wasn’t a strong industrial or military power
What was Britain like before WW1?
In the nineteenth century, they had tried not to get involved in European politics
This attitude became known as ‘Splendid Isolation’
Instead, Britain focused on her huge overseas empire
For most of the 19thC Britain had regarded Russia and France as her biggest rivals however that soon changed
Why has France and Russia no longer been Britains’ most dangerous rivals?
Britain and France had reached a number of agreements about colonies in North Africa in 1904
Russia was defeated in a war against Japan 1904, so Russia was weakened, so Britain were no longer concerned about Russia
Britain were most worried about Germany as the Kaiser had made it clear that he wanted to have an empire and strong navy which Britain saw as a threat to her own empire and navy
When did Britain sign an alliance with France and Russia?
Signed the Entente Cordiale with France in 1904
Also signed an agreement with Russia in 1907
What was France like before WW1?
They had been defeated by Germany in the Franco-Prussian war.
Since then Germany had built up a powerful army and strong industries and had an ambitious leader (Kaiser Wilhelm 2nd)
France was worried about the growing power of Germany so she also built up her industries and armies
France had developed a strong friendship with Russia
In 1892, they established a military alliance, each promising to help the other if it was attacked by Germany
What were France’s main concerns?
To protect herself against an attack by Germany
To get back Alsace Lorraine which Germany had taken from France in 1870
What was Russia like before WW1?
By far the largest of the six powers, but also the most backwards
Russia was almost entirely agricultural although loans from France helped Russia to develop some industries
What were Russia’s worries?
Worried about the growing power of Germany
She also had a long history of rivalry with Austria-Hungary
One reason why Russia was so friendly with Serbia
Another reason was that both Russians and Serbs were Slavs but there were also a lot of Slavs in Austria Hungary
Russia felt she could have influence over them
How had Russia been weakened?
They’d lost a war with Japan in 1905
Then were was an attempted revolution against the leader Tsar Nicholas 11
He survived but knew Russia could not afford to lose in any other conflict
Therefore, the Russians began to build up a large army
What was the Anglo-German rivalry?
Britain saw Germany as a threat to her position as a dominant power and her state of splendid isolation
Britain had managed to avoid alliances that would of dragged her into any major wars
However, Germany’s attempt to gain extra colonies caused tension between the two countries
A threat to Britain’s power and supremacy which cause tension over trade as Germany was Britain’s main trading partner and Kaiser was King Edward 7th nephew
What was Kaiser’s aim in world policy?
Pursued Weltpolitik (world policy) and was determined to play an important role on the world stage
He built up his navy to acquire ore land and power
His unstable personality (possibly caused by brain damage at birth) and his love for military, increased tensions throughout Europe
The Kaiser surrounded himself with military advisers and staged military rallies and loved to wear his military uniform and be close in military planning
What was the Anglo-German rivalry considering navies?
Germany wanted a big and powerful navy which Britain saw as a threat
Germany’s army was smaller that Britain’s but the British navy spread all over the world to protect the British empire so they needed a large and powerful navy
Germany didn’t have an empire so Britain worried why he would need a large navy but the kaiser wanted a large navy to protect growing trade and that Britain were overreacting
By 1914, how many dreadnoughts did Britain and Germany have?
Britain and 29 dreadnoughts
Germany had 17 dreadnoughts
What was Germany’s army like?
It was not the biggest (2.2million soldiers) but it was considered the best trained and most powerful
The problem facing commanders was that if war broke out they’d have to fight France and Russia at same time so they came up with the Schlieffen Plan
This would allow them to quickly attack and defeat France and then turn their forces on Russia, who would be slow to mobilise their army
What was Austria-Hungary’s army like?
1.3million soldiers
Knew she needed help of Germany to hold Russia back and relied on success of Schlieffen Plan
What was Russia’s army like?
Badly equipped but huge (3.4 million)
Given enough time, Russia could put millions of soldiers into the field
Russian plan was to overwhelm Germany’s and Austrias army by how many more they soldiers they had
What was France’s army like?
Had a large army (1.8million) and well equipped
Main plan of attack was ‘Plan 17’
This is where French troops would charge deep into Germany, forcing surrender
What was Britain’s army like?
Her military planners had been involved in close and secret collaboration with French commanders
This led to Britain setting up the BEF (British Expeditionary Force)
This consisted of 150,000 highly traded and well-equipped professional soldiers
They could go to France and fight alongside French at short notice
What happened at the start of the 1st Moroccan Crisis?
The Kaiser visited Morocco in North Africa as Germany was trying to build her own African empire since Germany already had colonies in central and Southern Africa
However, the French had plans to take control of Morocco, so the Kaiser made a speech saying he supported the independence for Morocco.
The French were furious that he was interfering in their affairs.
What happened when the international conference was held at Algeciras in 1906?
Instead of cooling things down it created more tension.
The kaiser was humiliated as instead of being seen as a major power, his views were rejected.
He was treated as if he had no say on the matter which made him bitter.
He was also alarmed how Britain and France stuck together at the conference to oppose him as these old rivals seemed close.
In the wake of the crisis, the Triple entente was born and they saw their alliance as security against Germany
However, Germany saw it as a threatening policy of encirclement
What was the Bosnian Crisis 1908-1909?
The Balkan region of south-east Europe had been ruled by Turkey however, Turkish power had now been in decline as the new governments that had been set up in Turkey were regularly in dispute with each other.
However, Russia and Austria Hungary both wanted the Balkan region because it gave them access to the Mediterranean.
In 1908, Austria-Hungary took over the provinces of Bosnia.
Russia and Serbia protested but backed down when Germany made it clear that Germany supported Austria Hungary
Neither Serbia or Russia were prepared to risk war with Germany over the issue so they backed down in 1909
What was the 2nd Moroccan Crisis 1911?
France tried to take Morocco again and were prepared to compensate with Germany if their trade suffered.
However, the Kaiser responded by sending a gunboat to Agadir.
The British feared Germany wanted to set up a naval base in Agadir and didn’t want German ships in the Mediterranean so another conference was called.
The British and French again stood firm against Germany and France took control of Morocco and Germany was given land in central Africa as compensation
Britain and France also agreed that the French should patrol the Mediterranean and the Royal Navy should defend France’s Atlantic and North Sea coasts.
How did Austria-Hungary’s overconfidence and trouble with Serbia/Russia backfire?
Serbia had just emerged from the 1912-1913 local wars in Balkans as the most powerful country in the Balkans proving they had a very strong army
This was serious for Austria-Hungary as they were also a close ally with Russia
What happened on the 28th June 1914?
Archduke Frank Ferdinand (heir to Austro-Hungarian throne) began a visit to the capital of Bosnia (Sarajevo)
A group of Bosnian Serb terrorists (armed with bombs and pistols) hid in the crowds.
Around 10:45am, the chauffeur of the Archdukes’ car took a wrong turn and Gavrilo Princip shot and Killed Franz-Ferdinand and his wife Sophie
This angered Austria-Hungary and created a lot of tension between them and Serbia
What happened on the 23 July 1914?
Austria-Hungary sent out a ten-point ultimatum to Serbia.
Serbia were keen to avoid war so they accepted 9/10 points but couldn’t accept the 10th as it meant losing control of their justice system
They offered to refer that point to the International Court but this didn’t please Austria-Hungary enough
What happened on the 28th of July 1914?
With the promise of German support, Austria-Hungary felt confident in acting against Serbia and declared war
What did Russia do in response?
Russia was determined to support Serbia and began mobilising her armies on 30th July and the declared war on Russia on 1st August
What was the Schlieffen Plan?
German was afraid of encirclement so they decide the best way to solve the problem was to attack France first and defeat her within 6 weeks.
The attack would go through neutral Belgium as France wouldn’t expect it.
Russia would take a while to mobilise her armies so there would be plenty of time to move German troops to the east before Russia could launch a major attack
What was the Treaty of London?
Signed by all major powers in 1839 which declared that Belgium was a neutral country and that all countries signing it, respected that.
The Schlieffen Plan broke this treaty and because Belgium neutrality was important to British interested (trading) the British government took a stand
What did Britain do after Germany entered Belgium?
German troops entered Belgium on 3 August 1914 so Britain gave Germany an ultimatum - withdraw or Britain would declare war
They didn’t withdraw so Britain declared war on the 4th August 1914
What happened on 6 August ?
Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia
The system of alliances had failed to keep the peace in a situation that spiralled out of control