The catholic challenge abroad (look over) Flashcards
why were foreign catholic powers and the pope a threat?
because they could seek to remove her from the throne and replace her with a Catholic monarch
When did the pope excommunicate Elizabeth and what was the consequence of this?
- encouraged catholic powers, such as France and Spain, to attack England
- encouraged English Catholics to rebel
when did the religious war in France happen?
What was Elizabeth’s role in the religious war in France
- backed French protestants, hoping to take back Calais in return
- this policy failed as French protestants made peace with the Catholics later that year
- In 1564, signed the treaty of Troyes confirming once and for all that Calais belonged to France
How did Elizabeth’s role in the religious war in France affect her relationship with Phillip?
he irritated him by supporting protestant rebels
when did Phillip II ban the import of English cloth to the Netherlands and why?
because he believed that English merchants were encouraging the spread Protestantism there
How did Elizabeth retaliate to Phillip banning the import of English cloth?
she ceased trading with the Netherlands
- this resulted in a trade embargo
How long did the trade embargo between England and Spain last and what was the impact?
it lasted for a year
affected both countries economically
When was the Dutch revolt?
What lead up to the dutch revolt?
- Netherlands was owned by Spain
- There had been growing unhappiness in the Netherlands about Spanish interference in Dutch affairs
- When Phillip II decided to reorganise the Dutch government and church, he also brought the Spanish Inquisition to the Netherlands who tortured and burned alive anyone who wasn’t catholic
this united both Catholics and Protestants against Spain, uniting to the Dutch revolt
How did Phillip II defeat the revolt?
In 1567, he sent the Duke of Alba with an army of 10,000 men to the Netherlands to put down the revolt
by 1568 it had been defeated
Why was Elizabeth I concerned about Alba’s presence in the Netherlands? (2)
- Alba’s large army, with its mission against Protestantism, was within easy striking distance of England. This especially worried the Privy council
- Elizabeth did not want to become seen as Europe’s leading Protestant monarch. She wished to avoid war and openly condemned the Dutch rebels (known as Sea beggers), but many made their way to England
Why did Elizabeth wish to avoid war?
because England did not have the resources to take on Spain- or worse, France and Spain together
also, a war fought on the basis of religious differences could threaten England with a civil war
Elizabeth was coming under increasing pressure to ….
in terms of what was happening in the netherlands
- deal with the threat posed by Alba’s presence in the Netherlands
due to the atrocities against Protestants (hundreds were put to death in the Netherlands), she was put under pressure to shelter rebels, who attacked Spanish ships in the Channel
What were Sea beggers and what did they do?
- they were Dutch rebels
- they attacked Spanish ships in the English Channel that were carrying men and resources to Alba’s armies in the Netherlands
When and what happened in the Genoese loan?
- The city of Genoa lent gold to the Spanish government
- the ships carrying the loan sheltered in English ports, where Elizabeth seized it, arguing that since it was a loan it didn’t belong to Spain but to the Italian bankers.
- these developments greatly angered the Spanish
Why was the Spanish government encouraged to plot against Elizabeth?
because of the presence of Mary, QoS, as she served as an alternative Catholic monarch
What was Elizabeth trying to achieve by making Spain’s task in the Netherlands as difficult as possible?
- she was trying to protect English interest without going to war
- she hoped to encourage Spanish forces to leave and allow the Dutch to continue governing themselves as before