The Cardiovascular System Flashcards
Narrowing or stricture of duct or canal
Restoration of normal heart rhythm by electrical shock
Area of tissue death(necrosis) caused by loss of oxygen(ischemia) as a result of obstruction of circulation to the area.
Ways to assess the heart (2)
What are the structures of the Cardiovascular System?
Blood vessels, heart
How much does the heart weight?
Less than 1 pound
What are the functions of the Cardiovascular System?
Transport Oxygen+Nutrients to the body, transport waste products from cells to the kidneys for excretion, distribute hormones and antibodies throughout the body, help control body temp+ maintain electrolyte balance(homeostasis)
What are the 3 types of circulation in the cardiovascular system?
Hepatic, systemic, and pulmonary circulation
How many chambers does the heart have?
4 chambers
What are the top chambers of the heart called?
Left and Right Atria
(receives incoming blood)
What are the bottom chambers of the heart called?
Left and Right Ventricles
(pump blood out of heart)
How many layers of tissue does the heart have?
3 layers
What is in the right atrium that acts as a pacemaker?
SA nodes
(Specialized sinoatrial) heart would beat about 40 times per minute without it
What are the 3 main types of blood vessels?
Arteries, Veins, Capillaries
What do arteries do?
Bring blood away from the heart
What do arteries do?
Bring blood away from the heart
What do veins do?
Bring blood back to the heart
What are capillaries?
Microscopic vessels that carry blood between arterial and venous vessels
What are thicker Arteries or Veins?
Deoxygenated blood enters the right atrium of the heart from the body through the what?
Superior and Inferior Vena Cavas
Blood is pumped from the heart to the body by the largest artery of the body? What it this called?
Ways to asses the heart?
Measuring Blood pressure, pulse. Listening to heart sounds, biomarkers(blood work), cardiac catheter, electrocardiography.
Normal pulse rate for an adult?
60-100 beats per minute
NAME: Different locations to count pulse
Radial artery (wrist), carotid artery(throat), brachial artery(on arm; used for blood pressure), temporal(close to ear), femoral(by groin), popliteal (behind knee), pedal(foot), posterior tibial(close to foot)
What is a normal blood pressure?
What is systolic pressure? (Systole)
Occurs when ventricles of heart contract; pushes blood to arteries
What is diastolic pressure?
occurs when ventricles relax
What does lub-dup sound result in?
Opening and closing of valves
What are abnormal sounds of the heart?
Vibration caused by an abnormal flow of blood
Thrill (can be felt by touching over an artery)
What does palpate mean?
To feel
What does auscultate mean?
To listen
What is a healthy stolic measure?
Less than 120
A procedure in which a tube is inserted through a blood vessel into heart; used to measure pressure in the chambers of the heart, view obstructions in vessels
Cardiac catheterization
Naming a disorder: narrowing of blood vessels caused by deposits of fatty material containing calcium and cholesterol. Many times found in the coronary arteries of the heart. May experience chest pain, shortness of breath, fainting. . Treatment: Drug Therapy and Surgery
Naming a disorder: Area of blood vessel that bulges because of weakness in the wall. Occur mostly in the aorta. Usually no symptoms; if ruptures life threatning
Sound of abnormal flow is called a…
Name the disorder: Also called high blood pressure; High blood pressure can cause stroke, heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure
Name the disorder: Blockage of blood vessels to the heart; buildup of fatty deposits in lining of the coronary arteries. Also called a heart attack
Myocardial Infarction(MI)
Name the disorder: Usually caused by disease in another body system. Inability of the heart to pump blood adequately to meet bodies needs. Can experience shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat.
Congestive Heart Failure
Name the disorder: Heart muscle and valves are damaged by a recurrent bacterial infection(strep throat).
Rheumatic heart disease
Veins become enlarged and ineffective. Mostly in the legs. May experience swelling.
Varicose Veins
Inflammation of a vein
Is the Superior and Inferior Vena Cavae Oxygenated or Deoxgenated
Right Atrium: Oxygenated or Deoxygenated
Tricupside valve
Tricupside valve
Tricupside valve
Tricupside valve
Right Ventricle
Pulmonary Valve
Pulmonary Artery
Exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen
Pulmonary Vein
Left Atrium
Mitral Valve
Left Ventricle
Aortic Valve