The Brain Flashcards
What does the CNS consist of?
- Brain
- Spinal Chord
What are creatures with a CNS called?
Verebrates, i.e. humans, all mammals, reptiles, birds and fish (not insects or octopodes).
What is the other nervous system which exists in the body?
Peripheral Nervous System - stretches out from the brain and spinal chord into every other parts of the body.
What does the Peripheral Nervous System include?
- Sensory neurones
- Motor neurones
What do Sensory neurones do?
Carry information back to brain as sensations (“5 senses”).
What do Motor neurones do?
Carry messages from brain, telling muscles to move glands to release their hormones.
What links the two hemispheres of the brain together?
“Bridge” of nerve fibres (corpus callosum) allow the left and right hemispheres to communicate with each other.
What is brain lateralisation?
The way the left and right sides of the brain have different functions.
What does the left hemisphere control?
- The right side of the body.
- Language centre (damage takes away power to speak or write).
- Tasks to do with logic, i.e. reasoning and numbers.
- Abstract thought.
What does the right hemisphere control?
- Left side of the body.
- Spatial awareness, i.e. reading maps or judging distances.
- Performs tasks to do with creativity and the arts.
What is the Cortex?
Complex out layer of the brain.
What does the cortex do?
Handles a lot of “higher” brain functions, i.e. conscious thought and interacting with the world around us.
What lobes are the cortex divided into?
- Frontal lobe
- Parietal lobe
- Temporal lobe
- Occipital lobe
- Brain stem
- Cerebellum
What does the Frontal lobe do?
Handles most of our conscious planning.
Contains pre-frontal cortex.
What does the Pre-fronal cortex do?
Handles self-control and decision making (important for aggression).