The brain Flashcards
What is the function of the superior colliculi?
What is the function of the inferior colliculi?
What do the inferior cerebellar peduncles connect?
cerebellum to medulla oblongata
What do the middle cerebellar peduncles connect?
cerebellum to pons
What do the superior cerebellar peduncles connect?
cerebellum to midbrain
Where is the falx cerebri?
between cerebral hemispheres
Where is the falx cerebelli?
between cerebellar hemisphere
Where is the tentorium cerebelli?
between cerebrum and cerebellum
What is the function of the precentral gyrus?
What is the function of the postcentral gyrus?
Name all 5 lobes.
frontal, temporal, occipital, parietal, insula
What is part of the basal ganglia?
caudate nucleus, internal capsule, lentiform nucleus
What is called the nucleus at the end of the caudate nucleus?
amygdaloid nucleus
What is part of the internal capsule?
corona radiata (extension of capsule)
What is part of the lentiform nucleus?
globus pallidus, putamen
What is part of the epithalamus?
pineal body
What is part of the thalamus?
intermediate mass
What is part of the hypothalamus?
mamillary bodies, tuber cinereum, infundibulum (pituitary stalk), hypophysis (pituitary gland), optic chiasm
What is part of the corpora quadrigemina?
superior and inferior colliculi
What is part of the cerebellum?
cerebellar hemispheres, cortex, arbor vitae, vermis
What are the different cerebellar peduncles?
superior, middle, inferior
What is part of the medulla oblongata?
pyramids, decussation of the pyramids, ventral median sulcus, olive
What is part of the fourth ventricle?
foramen of Luschka, foramen of Magendie
What is part of the dura mater?
falx cerebri, falx cerebelli, tentorium cerebelli
What is part of the arachnoid mater?
subarachnoid space
What are the three different coverings of the brain?
dura, arachnoid and pia mater
What is the function of the 4 ventricles?
act as reservoir for CSF produced by choroid plexus
What does the choroid plexus produce?
cerebrospinal fluid
What structure produces cerebrospinal fluid?
choroid plexus
What structure connects the 3rd and 4th ventricle?
cerebral aqueduct
Which foramen connects the 2 lateral ventricles to the 3rd ventricle?
interventricular foramen
What ligaments are part of the pia mater in the spinal cord?
denticulate ligaments
What sulci are made out of white matter?
anterior and posterior median sulcus