The Blue Castle Flashcards
inexorably [iˈneks(ə)rəblē]
chvejúci sa vytržením (The Blue Castle)
shivering with the rapture [ˈSHivəriNG]
Valancy found herself shivering with the rapture of her first kiss.
Keby v isté májové ráno nepršalo…
If it had not rained on a certain May morning…
Tesne pred úsvitom
Just preceding dawn [presíding dón]
beznádejné staré panenstvo
hopeless old maidenhood
Valancy sa nikdy celkom nevzdala istej malej nádeje
Valancy had never quite relinquished a certain little hope
že jej ešte príde do cesty romantika
that romance would come her way yet
strašný, hrozný
Žiadny muž po nej nikdy netúžil.
No man had ever desired her.
v slabo šedivej tme
in the faintly greying darkness
Neodvážila sa (nechať sa) plakať…
She dared not let herself cry..
Oveľa horšie, než aké mala doteraz.
Rather worse than any she had had yet
matka by si všimla jej červené oči
her mother would notice her red eyes
s príšerným úškrnom
with a ghastly grin [gástly grin]
jej smiech bol veľmi povrchný
her laughter was very superficial [sjuprfišl]