the bloody chamber quotes Flashcards
- marriage
- gender
“are you sure
‘Are you sure you love him?’ ‘I’m sure I want to marry him’
- the marquis
- the uncanny
“stange, heavy
“strange, heavy almost waxen face”
- sex and violence
“a chocker of rubies
“A choker of rubies like an extraordinarily precious slit throat
- sex and violence
“a dozen husbands
“a dozen husbands impaled a dozen brides”
- COURSHIP of mr lyon
- innocent, virginity
“Miss Lamb, spotless, sacrificial”
- TB
“wears a mask
Wears a mask of a human man’s face
- BC
- marquis
“I have acquired a whole harem for myself”
- courtship of mr lyon
- gender
“do not think
” Do not think she did not have any will of her own”
- tb
- uncanny
- gender
“clockwork twin of mine”
- the company of wovles
- the other
“the worst wolves
“The worst wolves are hairy on the inside”
- company of wolves
- gender
“she knew she was
“She knew she was no body meat”
- bc
- gender, innocence, setting
“away from
- erl king
- metamrphpisis
“then she will open all
Then she will open all the cages and let the birds free; they will change back into young girls
- lady of the house of love
- gender, rbity innocence
“in death she looked far older
In death, she looked far older, less beautiful and so, for the first time, fully human
- lady of the house of love
- virginity and innocence
“he has a special wauitly of virginity
He has the special quality of virginity
- tigers bride
- sex
0- innoncne and desire
“my masters sole desire is
Tiger’s Bride
My master’s sole desire is to see the pretty young lady unclothed, nude without her dress