The biology of muscle damage and remodelling Flashcards
-Define exercise-induced muscle ‘damage’ (EIMD) -Explain the characteristics and temporality of muscle damage/repair -Discuss the mechanisms that co-ordinate muscle remodelling following acute damage – Including classical theories and novel hypotheses -Place evidence from multiple model organisms into a physiological context of human muscle repair
Why is acute repair from muscle injury important?
o Normal part of hypertrophic response to exercise
o Mechanisms in reverse might cause muscle atrophy
o Recovery from sports injuries
o Repair of injury sustained in old age
o Recovering from acute trauma
o Disease
What is actually meant by muscle ‘damage’?
o Commonly used when describing ‘post-eccentric exercise’ DOMS
o Usually peaks 24-48 h post-ECC, and can last 5-7d
o But… DOMS does not = damage
Is muscle damage / DOMS required for muscle growth?
Studies of pre-trained (gradually ‘ramped up’ exercise) vs naïve individuals show that pre-trained group avoided DOMS but both groups displayed comparable hypertrophic responses to ECC training
What molecular mechanism(s) co-ordinate this regeneration from muscle damage?
o Muscle regeneration is a highly orchestrated and highly ordered process, characterised by a predictable pattern of cellular processes, aimed at removing damaged muscle and replacing with new muscle
o i) Mild muscle injury > ii) inflammation/degeneration > iii) regeneration > iv) growth
o Starts within 1-2 h following injury and lasts for up to 2 weeks
o Site of EIMD is invaded by leukocytes
o Actively secrete cytokines and growth factors
o These amplify the inflammatory response and take part in the second phase of muscle regeneration
Early event(s) in muscle repair?
o So, membranes can be damaged and repaired MUCH, MUCH quicker than whole sarcomeres / myofibres
o Raises the possibility that repairing membranes is a preceding event in muscle regeneration
What proteins might influence/ regulate the early regeneration process?
Dysferlin: i. Ca2+ increases affinity of dysferlin for phospholipids ii. Calpains also activated iii. Encourages recruitment of internal vesicles for membrane repair
Mitsugumin 53: MG53 is a striated muscle-specific tripartite motif (TRIM) family protein; MG53 required for cell membrane resealing; mg53-/- mice display progressive dystrophy
There’s a mechanical stimulus, right!!??
Teleologically, muscle regeneration from exercise likely involves activation of mechanically sensitive signalling pathways
Mechanotransduction at centre stage?
Link between mechanosensation and muscle growth/ atrophy is not new
Transmembrane proteins at Z-lines and M-lines (e.g. integrins) sense mechanical stretch from ECM…
…then signals to protein synthetic and breakdown machinery to alter protein turnover (and thus muscle size, chronically)
Shown for a very limited number of mechanotransduction signalling proteins
Can we simplify the adhesome?
This likely represents those proteins that permanently reside at the cell membrane
What adhesome-associated pathways might regulate recovery from EIMD?
Exercise > disrupts adhesomes > signalling response(s) + concurrent sarcomere disruption > adhesomes repair > sarcomeres then repair
Do adhesomes co-ordinate / initiate the muscle repair process?
Certain adhesome-associated enzymes are specialised at degrading proteins - provides a mechanism for bulk degradation of muscle proteins irreparably damaged during exercise
Transcriptional regulation by adhesomes in an exercise-responsive manner?
o A number of adhesome components are zinc finger containing LIM domain proteins – Zyxin, PINCH, Paxillin
o Includes: transcription factors; cytoskeletal proteins; kinases; adaptor proteins
o Involved in gene transcription and cytoskeletal organisation
Role for MEF2?
MEF2A mediated resynthesis of adhesome proteins might be an early event in muscle regeneration from EIMD
So what might be the physiological relevance of adhesome function translating in regulation of human muscle repair?
DE genes almost identical between contraction modes, despite known divergent chronic adaptation to CON and ECC training
In muscle generation, where do molecular regulators of repair go, and why?
E.g. regulators of MPS likely translocate to where they are needed (i.e. sites of active protein synthesis), mRNA of specific genes being translated into new proteins must translocate from the nuclear site of transcription, to sites of active MPS
Does immunofluorescent microscopy analysis precede metabolic / functional muscle recovery from EIMD?
o Fluorescently-tagged antibodies against predicted regulators of regeneration o Examine (e.g.) disruption and subsequent repair of adhesomes
Muscle hypertrophy induced by myostatin inhibition accelerates degeneration in dysferlinopathy (Lee et al., 2015)
These findings suggest that depending on the disease context, inducing muscle hypertrophy by myostatin blockade may have detrimental effects, which need to be weighed against the potential gains in muscle growth and decreased fibrosis.
Calpains Mediate Integrin Attachment Complex Maintenance of Adult Muscle in Caenorhabditis elegans (Etheridge et al., 2012)
These results demonstrate that calpains are required for proper assembly and maintenance of integrin attachment complexes. Taken together our data provide in vivo evidence that a calpain-based molecular repair mechanism exists for dealing with attachment complex disruption in adult muscle. Since C. elegans lacks satellite cells, this mechanism is intrinsic to the muscles and raises the question if such a mechanism also exists in higher metazoans.
Dynamic distribution of muscle-specific calpain in mice has a key role in physical-stress adaptation and is impaired in muscular dystrophy (Ojima et al., 2010)
These findings indicate that the stretch-induced dynamic redistribution of p94 is dependent on its protease activity and essential to protect muscle from degeneration, particularly under conditions of physical stress. Furthermore, our data provide direct evidence that loss of p94 protease activity can result in LGMD2A and molecular insight into how this could occur.
Rapid muscle-specific gene expression changes after a single bout of eccentric contractions in the mouse (Barash et al., 2004)
In conclusion, this experiment developed and validated a model for ECs in the mouse and completed microarray analysis of the TA muscle 48 h after the EC bout. The analysis uncovered three interesting muscle-specific genes (MARP1, MARP2, and MLP) whose time-dependent regulation was later confirmed by QPCR analysis to be specific to the EC treatment as opposed to either isometric activation of the muscle or passive stretch. The role of these genes in the biological response to ECs in skeletal muscle remains to be determined, but their rapid regulation indicates that the role is an important upstream event associated with muscle response to EC.