The Big Bang Theory Flashcards
What is the first key evidence that support the Big Bang?
Light waves lengthen and appear to be red when an object is moving away. All of the galaxies look red, so the universe must be expanding and moving away.
What is the Big Bang Theory?
The theory that around 14 billion years ago, the universe was packed into a small, dense point. This rapidly expanded, releasing energy, matter, space, and time. It cooled enough to form atoms, then elements, and eventually stars and galaxies.
What is the second key evidence that supports the Big Bang?
The Cosmic Background Radiation shows that energy is left over everywhere in space and can be observed, and that the universe was once much hotter and is continuing to cool.
What is the third key evidence that supports the Big Bang?
Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe because the heat of the Big Bang was so great that the heavy elements couldn’t form.