The Bible Flashcards
Abraham and Isaac
God made covenant with Abraham for Canaan (Promised Land). Told to kill Isaac, stopped by angel. *Jews descend from Isaac, Arabs through Ishmael.
Announcement from Gabriel to Mary about pregnancy.
Synonamous with Book of Revelation.
Books accepted as part of the Bible by select groups (e.g. Judith, I and II Maccabees, Ecclesiasticus).
The 12 Apostles
Include Peter, James, John, Thomas, Matthew, and Judas. Paul is often considered an apostle.
Mountain where Noah’s ark came to rest.
In the Book of Revelation, final battle between good and evil.
Tower of Babel
In Genesis, tower that Noah’s descendants built to the heavens. God confused their languages.
Capital of Babylonia, which conquered Israel in thr sixth century B.C. Jews were exiled to Babylon, found it to be corrupt. Daniel became counselor to the king.
Beautiful woman who attracted King David, who sent her husband Uriah to die in battle. Soloman was her second son by David.
Eight blessings from the sermon on the mount. Blessed are the meek, blessed are the peacemakers, etc.
Hill on which Jesus was crucified. AKA Golgotha. Latin for place of the skull.
Cast thy bread upon the waters
Expression from Ecclesiastes. Means that good deeds will ultimately be rewarded.
Coat of many colors
Gift from Jacob to Joseph. Made other sons resentful.
Damascus (Ancient)
Paul (Saul) was on the way to Damascus when he saw a light and heard Jesus speak.
Thrown into lions’ den in Babylon in sixth century B.C. for praying to God against king’s wishes. Was protected by angel.
Shepherd as boy. Killed Goliath (Philistine). Saul gave him command of army, grew jealous, tried to kill him. Fled from Saul until he died, then became king of the Israelites. Father of Solomon, ancestor of Jesus.
Book containing reflections of “the Preacher.” Says that life should be enjoyed until oblivion of death.
Prophet of the Old Testament. Opposed idolatry. Incurred wrath of Jezebel (queen of Israel). Taken to Heaven in a chariot of fire.
Beautiful Jew chosen by king of Persia to be queen. She and cousin Mordecai stop plot to massacre Jews. Mordecai beomes king’s chief minister. Celebrated as Purim.
The three great virtues
Faith, hope, and charity