The Beliefs of Islam Flashcards
In the name…
In the name of Allah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful.
I bear witness that…
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah; and I bear witness that Muhammad SAW is His servant and messenger.
There is none…
There is none worthy of worship besides Allah.
There is no…
The is no power and might except from Allah. The Most Hight, The Great.
He is…
He is One. He has no partner.
He gives life…
He gives life and causes death.
In His hand…
In His hand is all good. And He has power over everything.
I believe in…
I believe in Allah as He is understood by His names and His attributes and I accept all His orders.
I believe in Allah…
I believe in Allah and His angels, His books and His messengers and the Last Day, and in Taqdeer - the good and bad - which is from Allah, the Most High; and I believe in raising after death.
Allahu Akbar…
Allahu Akbar. God is the Greatest
Insha’Allah. By Allah’s will.
He neither begets…
He neither begets, nor is he begotten.
Serve Allah…
Serve Allah and shun the evil one.
The heart is…
The heart is content in the remembrance of Allah.
Whoever is an enemy…
Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and His messengers, to Jibril and Mik’ail, Allah is an enemy to the disbeliever.