The Behavioural Approach To Explaining Phobias Flashcards
Behavioural approach
Emphasises the role of learning in the acquisition of behaviour. Behaviour is explained in terms of what if observable
Classical conditioning
Learning by association. Occupants when two stimuli are repeatedly paired together. An US (unlearned) and a new neutral stimulus (NS). The neutral stimulus produces the same response that was first produced by the UCS alone.
Operant conditioning
A form of learning in which behaviour is shaped and maintained by its consequences. Possible consequences of behaviour include positive and negative reinforcement and punishment
What is the two process model?
Mower proposed the two-process model based on the behavioural approach to phobias.This states that phobias are acquired (learned in the first place) by classical conditioning and then continue because of operant conditioning.
Little Albert study
In the classic study of phobias, Watson and Rayner (1920) aimed to demonstrate that an irrational fear could be induced by use of classical conditioning. They used a placid baby boy, referred to as ‘Little Albert who, at 9 months, showed no fear of a laboratory white rat.
At age 11 months they carried out the following procedure aimed to induce fear. Whenever the rat was placed in Albert’s lap, Watson made a loud noise by banging together two steel bars behind Albert’s back. Watson did this a total of 7 times.
How does little Albert study show the two process model?
In this procedure, the loud noise is an US and Albert’s response to it (crying) is an UR.Before conditioning the rat was a NS. By the third trial Albert showed fear whenever he saw the rat. The rat was now a CS and Albert’s fear of it was a CS. In his two-process model of phobia acquisition, Mower suggested that phobias are acquired as a result of classical conditioning and maintained by operant conditioning
Negative reinforcement in phobia
A person who is terrified of spiders is likely to run away when they see one. The escape and consequent reduction of fear acts as a negative reinforcer, increasing the likelihood that they will continue to avoid spiders in future. In this way, the phobia is maintained. When an individual avoids a situation which is unpleasant, the behaviour results in a pleasant consequence (they have avoided the spider) which means the behaviour is likely to be repeated.
What did Mowrer suggest?
He suggested that whenever we avoid a phobic stimulus we successfully escape the fear and anxiety that we would’ve if we had entered its presence or remained there. The reduction fear reinforces the avoidance behaviour and so the phobia and so the phobia is maintained