The Basics Of Driving Flashcards
What should you do before entering your car?
Walk around the vehicle to check for children, pedestrians, and anything in the vehicles path. Also check the tires and any liquids dripping from the car
What start driving what should you do?
- Lock your doors
- Adjust your seat
- Adjust your mirrors
- fasten your seatbelt
Why should you lock your doors as soon as you enter the vehicle?
To prevent unwanted persons from entering and to prevent doors from flying open in a collision
How many centimeters away should you be from your steering wheel?
25 centimeters
Where should you place your hand on a steering wheel?
On the 9 o’clock position and the 3 o’clock position
How should you adjust your head restraint?
Position it so that the middle part is in line with your ears
And move it as close as possible to your head
How should you adjust your mirrors?
Adjust your rear view mirror so that the back window is framed inside
Adjust your side mirrors so that a small portion of your car is visible
What is automatic transmission?
Automatic transmission allows the driver to place the vehicle in a gear that will allow the it to change the vehicles gears as the speed changes
Park is used when first starting the car. It locks the transmission which prevents the wheels from turning
It is used when backing out.
What colors light is lit up when a car is in reverse?
The white light
Neutral is when no gear is selected. The wheels aren’t locked and there is no power to the wheels
What gear is used during towing?
To be used for normal forward driving. The transmission will Janae gears automatically
Third, second, and first gear?
To be used when you require more power but less speed to prevent the transmission from shifting into a higher gear.
What conditions are first, second, and third gear used in?
Hills, slush, gravel, snow, or ice
For driving at higher speeds. It helps save fuel
How must you multitask driving a manual transmission?
Operate a clutch pedal while using gear shift
How do you change gears on a manual?
You press on the clutch petal to disengage the transmission and then change gears with the hand lever
How should you start a Manual transmission?
Makes sure the transmission is in neutral.
And make sure the clutch pedal is pressed down. And slowly release your foot
What is the friction point?
When you release the foot pedal of a manual transmission and feel the transmission
What should you do when you feel the friction point?
Release the clutch pedal to prevent stalling
How should your hands move on a steering wheel when turning a corner?
You should use the hand over method
When must you use your turn signal?
Moving away from a curb
Turning left or right
Changing lanes
How should you accelerate properly?
Gradually press on the accelerator to move the vehicle.
What three factors determine the time and distance it takes to stop?
Perception time
Reaction time
Braking time
What is perception time?
How long it takes to recognize a situation and understand that you need to stop
What is reaction time?
How long it takes to respond to a situation by moving your foot to the brakes
What is braking time?
How long it takes your vehicle to stop after brakes are applied
What factors of your stopping time and distance can you control?
- Your visual search skills
- Your decision making ability
- Your alertness
- Your use of substances
- Your vehicles speed
- The condition of your brakes and tires
How should you brake effectively?
Begin early by releasing pressure on the accelerator until you all pressure on the brake.
What is threshold braking?
A type of breaking where you brake without locking the wheels
How do you threshold brake?
This is applying the brakes without locking the wheels. Still allowing you to steer the vehicle
At what speed should reversing be done at?
A crawl or walking speed
What should you do before reversing?
Look behind the vehicle
How do you reverse?
Put your right hand on the passenger seat for support look over your right shoulder
How should you parallel park?
Pull up beside the car in front of you. Place your car in reverse and look over your shoulder to ensure nobody is behind you. Then sharply at a fortified degree angle move backwards as you go straightening slightly
What is the maximum distance you should be from the curb?
50 cm
How should you leave a parallel park position?
Reverse while looking to the right. Signal. Steer sharply to the left and exit slowly.
How should you enter angle parking?
Signal. Drive parallel to the cars. Then steer sharply to the right and drive in. When you get to the middle straighten your wheels and drive until you get to the curb
How should you exit angle parking?
Back up with your tires straight until your bumper is even with other vehicles. Stop and check for pedestrians. Then turn your vehicle sharply to the right and stop when your vehicle is parallel to the curb
How do you perpendicular park?
When you find your desired parking spot turn your wheels sharply to the right.
Which way should the wheels point facing uphill on a curb?
Turn the front wheels to the left.
Which direction should the tires point when facing uphill on a street without a curb?
The right
Which direction the tires point when facing downhill.
The right
Within how many meters are you not allowed to park of a garage, private roadway or driveway?
1.5 meters
No parking within how many feet of a stop sign, fire hydrant, or crosswalk?