The Basics Flashcards
HTML - function
Creates webpage structure
CSS - function
Design webpage appearance
JavaScript - function
Programs functionality
What is the internet?
A bunch of computers connected by fiberoptic cables
What is fiber optics?
Light traveling through glass or plastic pipes to send information from computer to computer.
The computer requesting information
The computer that responds to the client requests
A vehicle for making requests
Amazon Web Servers - seems like everything important lives here. Scary.
Static Website
A site that doesn’t change. All users see the same thing when they look at it
Dynamic Website
“Interactive” sites. The information changes based on requests and responses
Front-End Code
Code stored on the site. Basically what we see - the site’s template and the functionality
Back-End Code & What does it consist of?
Code stored on servers. Holds the information that gets put into the templates.
Server and Database
Back-End Languages
PHP, Ruby, Java, Python, JavaScript, R, Go, Haskell, Perl, Lua, C#
Front-End Languages
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Reaching out to get data back in
Live info - all the IPs involved are connected and changing live without refreshing (i.e. Zoom, Twitch, Slack)
Operating System
Software that handles the computers memory and processes
A program used to type instructions used for development tasks
How do you stop a terminal from running your code?
Ctrl C
What is a directory?
Computer “folders” or collections of other directories or and files
Using the vernacular to planout your code. Break down what you’re going to code in simple steps that you understand