the balance of payments Flashcards
what is the balance of payments?
the balance of payments is a record of all financial transactions made between consumers, businesses and the government in one country to another
what type of transactions does the balance of payments record?
the balance of payments records all international transactrions
what are the three main components of the balance of payments?
the three main components of the balance of payments are:
- the current account
- the capital account
- the financial account
what is the current account?
the current account is a country’s trade balance plus net income and direct payments
what are the four components of the current account?
the four components of the current account are:
- the trade in goods
- the trade in services
- net primary income
- net secondary income
what are the trade of goods and services referred to?
the trade of goods and services is referred to as the trade balance
what are visible trades?
visible trades are goods which are imported or exported
what are invisible trades?
invisible trades are services which are imported or exported
what are examples of primary income?
primary income includes:
- interest
- profits
- dividends
- migrant remittances
what are migrant remittances?
migrant remittances are the transfers of money by a foreign worker back to their home country (i.e. a UK citizen working overseas and sending the money back to the UK)
what are examples of secondary income?
secondary income includes:
- contributions to the EU
- military aid
- overseas aid
what is the capital account?
the capital account is the sale or transfer of patents, copyrights, leases and other transferable contracts and good will
(otherwise: the transfer of ownership of fixed assets)
what is the financial account?
the financial account are the transactions that result in a change in the ownership of financial assets and liabilities between UK residents and non-residents
what transactions does the financial account include?
the financial account includes:
- the net balance of FDI
- the net balance of portfolio flows
- the balance of banking flows
what are examples of porfolio flows?
portfolio flows includes the inflows and outflows of debt and equity
what is an example of banking flows?
banking flows include hot money flowing in and out of a banking system
what is a balancing item?
a balancing item is the estimated errors and omissions
what is a current account surplus?
a current account surplus is where the overallcurrent account is positive (more money flowing into the country than out)
what is a current account deficit?
a current account deficit is where the overall current account is negative (more money is flowing out of the country than in)
what does the UK have a deficit in?
the UK has a deficit in the trade of goods and the net secondary income
what does the UK have a surplus in?
the UK has a surplus in the trade of services and the net primary income