the awakening study guide Flashcards
how does edna feel an outcast from creole society
creole’s absence of prudery
they have different expressions of freedom
how does Edna feel about the sea
likes the sea’s embrace.
what does the parrot represent
a caged bird which the readers find out to be edna
what is an epiphany
a moment of sudden revelation or insight
two things that Leonce reprimands Edna for in the beginning of the novel
she got burnt beyond recognition
she evinced little interest of what he is saying
found Raoul with a fever and Edna did not know about it
who is Mademoiselle Reisz
an unmarried unattractive person who plays the piano with very high skill.
what does Mademoiselle Reisz’s playing do to Edna
moves her to tears,
I only ask for one, let Mrs. Pontellier alone
speaker: Adele
listener: Robert
her manner was engaging
her: edna
each was interested in what the other said
each: robert, edna
she was a disagreeable little woman who quarreled with almost everyone
mademoiselle Reisz
who kissed cold glass
who is montel
middleaged gentleman whose vain ambition and desire is to fill the void that mr. lebrun left
how old is edna in the beginning
how old is leonce
why is the atmosphere of the church so stifling to Edna
it is smbolic of her increasing disinterest in meeting the demands of normal society or convention
where does she go after church and who is with her
to madame antoine’s house to rest
with robert
describe the pontellier’s home
charming home on esplonade street
large, double cottage, broad front veranda, fluting columns to support sloping roof.
painted white
neat yard with flowers
draperies, rugs, carpets, and paintings inside
what does edna take to madame ratignolle for inspection
how many years have the pontelliers been married
i would give up the unessential
listener: madame ratignolle-adele
but the thought of him was like an obsession, ever pressing itself upon her:
if ever the fusion of two human beings into one has been accomplished in this sphere it was surely in their union
the ratignolles
who says the artist’s soul is one that dares and defies
mademoiselle reisz
who gives soirees musicales and what are they
the ratignolles host them.
a group of people who listen to music
the bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings
speaker:mademoiselle reisz
listener: edna
what it means:
people who go against traditions must be strong and courageous otherwise they will go back down.
who wrote the musical arrangement that mademoiselle Reisz played when edna first went to her apartment in new orleans
frederic chopin
3 ways that edna will support herself
money from horse races
selling paintings
getting tid-bits of money from father from mother’s estate
why are you so personal, mrs. pontellier
speaker: robert
what does she find in her pigeon house instead of robert
a note from robert saying:”I love you. good by—- because i love you.”
saying this because he wants marriage but she wants independence.
because she is already married
turned off from her independence.
if you love something set it free
several of edna’s last thoughts
blue grass meadow
leonce and children can not possess her
robert did not understand
dr. mandalet maybe could have understood, but I will never know
barking of dog, spurs of dad’s boots, hum of bees, musky odor of pinks
what does the garment imagery represent
she cast the unpleasant picking garment from her.
represents edna throwing away her past life of being suppressed and now standing un-oppressed/ free.