The Atmosphere Flashcards
Describe vertical variation of atmosphere, regarding temperature with height
Each bit has a temperature lapse rate.
Troposphere - decreases with height
Stratosphere - Same temp till 20km then increases
Mesosphere - Gets very cold - till -90 degC
Thermosphere - goes to 700 degC
List different layers
Describe troposphere
As height increases, temperature decreases
Lapse rate is -1.98 degC per 1000ft, or 0.65 degC per 100m
Goes up to 36090ft, or 11km.
Here according to ISA, temp should be -56.5degC
75% of atmosphere mass is in troposphere
Describe proportions of most important gases in troposphere
78% Nitrogen
21% Oxygen
1% Other
4% by vol is water vapour
Describe variation of flight level (altitude) and temperature of tropopause from poles to equator
Poles - 6-8km, minus 40-50 degC
45 degrees round - 11km high. -56.5 degC
EQ - 16-18km, minus 75degC
Difference in height is due to ground temperature
Hot ground - big tropopause, so more 2deg/1000ft lapse, so colder at tropopause
Describe breaks in tropopause
The breaks are at 30deg lat and 60 degrees lat
Or, there are 3 in the north and 2 in the south
At these points, we see the Jetstreams
Variation of tropopause with seasons and atmospheric pressure?
In summer, tropopause expands as warmer
In winter, it gets smaller.
Not sure about the pressure bit
Describe the stratosphere
Temperature constant up to 20km
Increases at 0.3degC/1000ft
Goes to 50km, where temp is 0degC
There is ozone 03 here. It is warmed from above and the creation of ozone means the UV radiation is turned into longwave, which warms this section.
First bit is “absolutely stable”
Describe differences in composition of Stratosphere compared with Troposphere
Same as troposphere, except 0.0003% ozone
Describe mesosphere
From 50km to 80-90km
From 0degC down to -290degC
Describe thermosphere
From 90km to about 700km
Very high temps, can be between 600degC and 2000degC depending on solar activity
Descibe ionosphere
Ionised layer, can affect radio transmissions, eg they can bounce off ionosphere.
Define air temperature
Measure of kinetic energy of air particles
List units of temp
degC, degF, K
Describe mean vertical distribution of temperature up to 20km.
+15 degC at surface
reduces at -1.98 degC/1000ft or -0.65 degC per 100m
to -56.5 degC at tropopause, at 11km or 36090ft
Steady temperature up to 20km
What are the general causes of cooling going upwards in troposphere?
Troposphere is warmed from the surface of the earth via conduction but mainly longwave radiation
This effect is lessened as you go upwards as there is more air down below.
Conduction affects up to 2000ft.
This is called the environmental lapse rate (1.98deC per 1000ft)
Learn to calculate temperature deviations
Calculate ISA temperature at the given height using 15-(Thousands of feet*2).
If it is above tropopause, then calc including deviation to tropopause level. Then take that value.
The temperature difference is the ISA deviation.
Explain how local warming or cooling results in transfer of heat
This describes conduction - where two bodies that touch transfer heat. If one bit of earth’s surface is hot, the air temp there is hot.