The App Directory Flashcards
Question: What does a ‘clean’ version of an App Directory look like?
Answer: A ‘clean’ App Directory is the initial state of an app directory when it is opened for the first time.
Question: What is found within the javascriptsource folder of an App Directory?
Answer: The javascriptsource folder contains the structure of app modules with JavaScript actions defined for nanoflows.
Question: What does the javasource folder in an App Directory contain?
Answer: The javasource folder contains all Java sources belonging to microflows in the app modules.
Question: Why might you find other folders on the same directory level with subfolders leading to third-party Java files?
Answer: Other folders on the same directory level may lead to third-party Java files, such as Apache libraries, which implement custom code.
Question: Within a module folder (e.g., system), what can be found in the Actions folder?
Answer: The Actions folder within a module contains Java actions created in that specific module.
Question: What is the purpose of the Datasets folder within a module?
Answer: The Datasets folder is where data sets created in that specific module are stored.
Question: How can you create a data set in a module, and what is its source?
Answer: You can create a data set in a module, and its source can be a Java action or OQL query. If Java action is selected as the source, a corresponding file will be created in the directory.
Question: What does the Proxies folder in the App Directory contain?
Answer: The Proxies folder contains entities, both persistent and non-persistent, and enumerations. It also has subfolders like microflows and constants, each with a corresponding Java file to accommodate for Java development.
Question: What types of files are typically found in the Resources folder?
Answer: In the Resources folder, you will find files like HTML files or configuration files that directly affect the way the application works. These files are packaged together with the app model.
Question: What is the purpose of the Theme folder in the App Directory?
Answer: The Theme folder contains files and folders that form the source for styling your application. It requires HTML/CSS/SASS knowledge to extend or modify existing design properties or create new ones.
Question: What can be found in the Userlib folder of the App Directory?
Answer: The Userlib folder contains Java libraries that may support your custom Java functions. These libraries can change when you download modules like the Community Commons Function Library or Email module with templates.
Question: What does the Widgets folder in the App Directory contain?
Answer: The Widgets folder contains .mpk files that reflect the widgets available in Studio Pro. Each .mpk file can include multiple widgets. Changes to these files should be made by those with knowledge of the Mendix APIs and JavaScript programming.
Question: What is the purpose of the .mpr file in the App Directory?
Answer: The .mpr file, named after your app, is required by Studio Pro to open the app.
Question: What is the purpose of the .mpr.bak file in the App Directory?
Answer: The .mpr.bak file is a backup for your .mpr file and can be used to restore your app in case of issues during Mendix version upgrades or Team Server app updates.
Question: What does the .mpr.lock file in the App Directory indicate?
Answer: The .mpr.lock file indicates that the app is currently open in Studio Pro and might be hidden, depending on your Windows settings.
Question: What does the Deployment folder in the App Directory contain?
Answer: The Deployment folder contains deployment files necessary to run your app locally. It includes folders and files related to the local database, application files, and sources used by Mendix to run the app.
Question: Where are app packages stored when created in Mendix?
Answer: App packages created in Mendix are stored in the Packages folder.
Question: Where does Mendix store deployment packages created in Studio Pro by default?
Answer: Mendix stores deployment packages by default in the Releases folder.
Question: What is the purpose of the file in the App Directory?
Answer: The file contains a local database snapshot created in Studio Pro. It can be shared with teammates for reuse.
Question: What is the .classpath file used for?
Answer: The .classpath file is needed for Eclipse to import your app into the application. It facilitates the integration of your Mendix app with Eclipse.
Question: What is the .app file used for?
Answer: The .app file is needed for Eclipse to import your app into the application. It is used for importing your Mendix app into Eclipse.
Question: What is the purpose of the <root>.launch file?</root>
Answer: The <root>.launch file is needed for Eclipse to import your app into the application. It assists in the process of importing your Mendix app into Eclipse.</root>
Question: Why is it important to keep your App Directory clean and up to date?
Answer: Keeping the App Directory clean and up to date is important to ensure the directory accurately reflects the content of your app and prevents unnecessary clutter.
Question: Where is the content of the resources folder copied during deployment?
Answer: The content of the resources folder is copied to the model/resources folder in your deployment folder.
Question: How should you handle version management when maintaining your app?
Answer: When using version management, it’s important to update your app before committing changes to check for new functionality or conflicts and resolve them.
Which folders contain source information tied to a specific module enabling reuse of this module in another project?
Javascriptsource and Javasource folders file belonging to the System module is stored in which of the JavaSource sub-folders?
Actions file is stored in which sub-folder of JavaSource directory?
Which of the following sources are typically stored in the Resources folder of the App Directory?
Configuration files, HTML and Java files
Files and folders that together form the styling of your application are typically stored in which of the following folders?