The Ancient Near East : The First Civilizations Flashcards
The early Neolithic revolution saw what technical developments
The early Neolithic revolution saw the invention of writing, use of metal tools, weaving of cloth, and the development of agricultural villages. This revolution did not include iron tools and weapons
List 4 early civilizations.
Some of the early civilizations included Harrapa and Mohenjo-Daro, Central Asian, Yellow River, China, and Caral, Peru. The Mycenaean was not an early civilization.
True or False
The most prominent stucture in a Sumerian city was a temple called a megolith.
False, it was a structure called a Ziggurat.
True or False
Amenhotep IV began a religious revolution when he introduced the worship of Amon-Re, the sun disk.</strong></p>
False, he began worship of Aten, god of the sun disk.
The earliest human-like creatures, hominids, existed in Africa as early as :
3 to 4 million years ago
The Nile River provided ancient Egyptians with :
An excellent artery of transportation.
The most famous of the megalithic constructions in Europe is :
The Akkadian ruler who claimed to be divine and who had a temple built for him was :
The first modern Homo sapiens :
First appeared in Africa between 200,000 and 150,000 years ago.
Epic of Gilgamesh teaches that :
Human life is difficult and immortality is only for the gods.
In the first century B.C., Egypt became a colony of :
The Babylonian creation epic was :
Enuma elish
The Sumerian government :
Came to view kings as agents of their gods.
True or False
The first hominid to leave Africa and move into Europe and Asia was Homo erectus.
Mesopotamian religion was :
One in which no one god reigned supreme and deities were closely related to cities.
Ancient Egyptian history is divided into ___ major periods.
The basic unit of early Mesopotamian civilization was the :
Originally the Osiris cult was reserved for :
The wealthy who could afford preservation of the body.
The physical environment of the Mesopotamians generally led to :
A pessimistic outolook with an emphasis on satisfying their angry gods.
Amenhotep IV is best known for :
the temporary installation of the god of the sun disk in Egyptian culture.
In the thirteenth century the Egyptians were driven out of Palestine and back to their original frontiers by the :
“Sea Peoples”
The Hittites played an important role in the history of the Middle East because they :
Transmitted Mesopotamian culture to the west, especially to the Mycenaean Greeks.
In general, during the imperialistic New Kingdom, Egyptian government changed by :
A gradual lessening in the power of pharaohs over their neighbors.
True or False
Hieroglyphs mean “priest-carvings” or “sacred writings.”
Which of the following is NOT true of Egyptian art?
It was largely individually expressive, illustrated by many identifiable artists.
The Egyptian pyramids were :
conceived and built as tombs for a city of the dead
The early Neolithic era saw :
A slow transition from hunting and gathering to an agricultural society.
All of the following are believed to be developments of the Paleolithic Age except :
the regular production of food through agriculture.
True or False
Unlike the peoples of Mesopotamia, the Egyptians had a very positive attitude toward daily life.
Egyptian pharaohs ruled and derived their authority from the :
Principle of Ma’at
For administrative purposes in the Old Kingdom, Egypt was :
divided into provinces called nomes and governed by Monarchs.
In ancient civilizations, bronze would replace copper because :
bronze was stronger.
Which of the following is NOT an Indo-European language?
Sanskrit, Babylonian, German, Latin, Greek
The focal points and sources of life for the ancient Egyptians were the :
Nile River and the pharaohs.
In comparison to Mesopotamian society, Egyptian society was
more rural.
Punishments for crimes under the Code of Hammurabi :
were more severe for the lower classes.