The Amphibians Flashcards
Facts about the amphibians
- over 7000 species - largest Anura
* oldest fossil to fate from ~290mya in Permian which shows both urodele and anuran
3 groups…
- Urodeles - salamanders and newts
- Anuran - frogs and toads
- Gymnophiona - caecilians
Shared characteristics of amphibians
- Smooth, moist permeable skin - water and O2 can pass
- Papilla amphibiorum - auditory mechanistic in inner ear, important for communication
- Operculum-collumella complex in the ear, important for hearing and communication
- Green rods- assists with night vision (not in caecilians)
- Pedicellate teeth - pedical composed of dentine and separated by connective tissue
- Neurones have levator bulbi muscle - allows enlarged buccal cavity - pushes eyes forward
Urodele features
500 species worldwide
•most basic body structure - fish with legs
•4 limbs, but some very aquatic forms have lost or reduced limbs
•locomotion is movement in a very undulatory way (like lungfish)
Urodele reproduction and development
•large variation in courtship display - can be very complex with elaborate secondary sexual characters
-visual and pheromonal cues for mate attraction
•pheromone transfer by tail fanning (aquatic) or skin slapping, biting or rubbing
•aquatic eggs and larvae - viviparity in purely terrestrial spp
•some show paedomorphosis/neotony - reproduction during the larval stage (cave-dwelling - axolotl)
-some show facultative paedomorphosis depends on ecological conditions
Gymnophiona morphology
180 species - blind •folds of skin look like segments •eyes can be covered in skin or bone •can have dermal bone in skin •lost legs for burrowing or living in aquatic-vegetation filled environments •worm-like
Gymnophiona reproduction and development
•internal fertilisation sperm transferred by adapted cloaca
•egg-laying or viviparous - can have up to 9 offspring, birth already 60% body length
-small number, high investment
•energy for growth from yolk
-mother produces uterine milk
-young eat mothers skin - regrown every 3 days as supports rapid growth
-specialised foetal dentitions for scraping oviduct wall
•foetal fill for gas exchange across oviduct walls - potentially exchange of metabolic waste
Risk to amphibians
•most endangered of all groups
•habitat specialists - more vulnerable to habitat change, climate etc.
•chitard fungus had les to populations being wiped out
-fungus has been spread by humans