The American New Wave Flashcards
Kent State shootings
VCRs go consumer
Terrorists take hostages at Munich Olympics; Watergate comes to light
Roe vs. Wade (legalized abortions); US withdraws rom Vietnam
President Nixon resigns in disgrace
Steven Biko tortured to death
Jonestown Massacre
Iron Hostages Crisis begins
Studio Auteurs
Film school educated; Coppola, Lucas, Spielberg, Nichols, Lumet, Cimino, Di Palma, Woody Allen*
The Conversation
Francis Ford Coppola;
made between the two Godfather movies;
earned Oscar noms alongside Godfather II for pic and screenplay;
very relevant to the Watergate scandal;
explores voyeurism and film’s inherently voyeuristic nature;
Harry Caul is an atypical spy-thriller protagonist- we are made to watch Caul unravel under the pressure of his conscience
Sidney Lumet, 1976;
absurd premise rooted in fact;
television news as a pliable medium; “television-as-propaganda-machine”; edited or manipulated for response; “if it bleeds, it leads”;
prophetic of televisions demise as a medium of substance to a money driven enterprise
Taxi Driver
Martin Scorsese, 1976;
Travis Bickle’s challenge: “a series of failed attempts to connect”; Bickle is a Vietnam War veteran: a direct descendent of those events of the 70s;
slow motion and POV are used to convey interior thoughts and motivations; a heightened sense of [his] awareness
The “Priest’s Eye View” Scorsese: “to reflect the priest looking down at the implements of the Mass on the altar.”
Define The American New Wave: identify four (4) of its characteristics and briefly explain why is it unique as a category of cinematic history?
Studio auteurs; young, film school-educated, counterculture-bred filmmakers; anti-establishment political themes, use of rock music, and a sexual freedom that was deemed “counter-culture”;
Changed Hollywood from being a producer-driven system to one that is more about the art itself and the artist’s passion for filmmaking;
Realism opened up by MPAA rating system, graphic violence;
emphasis on location shooting and location stories
- sound technology: radio microphones
- cheaper: no need for sets
What type of character played a central role in the films of the American New Wave? Briefly define this character type.
The Anti-Hero:
The concept of the ideal male is in flux, because American ideals are in flux;
Anti-authority, but not necessarily a better ideal;
- delusions of making things right
Not heroic, flawed, lacks heroic attributes like confidence, courage, nobility, altruism, goodness
- not necessarily like-able, but understandable and intriguing
- more relatable, more real?
- despite flaws, remain sympathetic, bad boy;
inferior to the audience, not as smart, questionable purpose;
motivations are not pure, possibly selfish;
may be a certain combination of good and bad traits
Identify three (3) filmmakers who were part of the American New Wave other than Francis Coppola, Martin Scorsese and Sidney Lumet.
Roman Polanski, Michael Cimino, Ridley Scott
Identify at least three (3) influences technological advances had on the realism found in this new generation of Hollywood filmmakers in the 1970s.
Lighter cameras and equipment allowed for on-location shooting, smaller microphones allowed for microphones to be hidden on actor, and simpler post-production systems made 35mm location shoots viable and cheap.
What was the crime central to the Watergate scandal? Identify two significant events following from the discovery of this crime.
The crime central to the Watergate scandal was a burglary, congressional hearings, mass firings, and the resignation of Nixon.
Who gave Francis Coppola his first shot at directing a film? What was the title of that film?
Roger Corman, Dementia 13
From what book was The Godfather adapted? Who was its author?
Gay Telese’s book, Honor Thy Father
Explain the concept of “omerta.”
“Omerta” is a phrased used by the mafia that is a code of silence between all members of the organization when questioned by authorities, which sometimes results in “taking the fall.”
Briefly explain the narrative trajectory of character Michael Corleone in Godfather.
Michael Corleone narrative trajectory is to continue his father’s legacy while revising his old-fashioned ways.
What is the central conflict of The Conversation’s Harry Caul?
Harry is unable to keep his job separate from his conscience after he allows himself to be seuced by a call girl who then steals tapes that he is convinced will result in a murder.
What is it that everyone is waiting for Network’s Howard Beale will do on live television?
Commit suicide.
Identify and briefly explain three (3) phenomena about the television news business that Network criticizes.
a love of scandal, a taste for anything lurid or shocking, and a short attention span
In Taxi Driver, Travis Bickle is bent on what particular mission?
saving a girl from a brutal pimp
Explain the effect of Scorsese’s slow motion POV shots involving Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver.
The slow motion POV shots suggest a level of heightened observation on the part of the directors characters.
Chinatown is a modern version of what very American film genre?
Film noir
The story of Chinatown is set to the background of what city, period of time and unique conspiracy?
Los Angeles, 1930’s case of rerouting water from valley to buy houses while they were cheap and then resell at way higher prices.
Identify Roman Polanski’s involvement with Charles Mansion.
Roman Polanski’s wife was killed by Charles Mansion.
In Chinatown, where does Gittes find Hollis’ eyeglasses?
Gittes fould Hollis’ glasses in Mrs. Mulrey’s pond.
In Chinatown, what does Gittes do to make following Ms. Mulwray’s car easier?
He knocks off the taillight.