The Amazon Rainforest- Carbon and Water Flashcards
Where is the Amazon Rainforest located?
The north of South America, takes up vast parts of Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia.
North of the Tropic of Capricorn, majority in the southern hemisphere.
What is the ITCZ?
the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone- The point at which two Hadley cells (air masses) meet at the equator causing low air pressure and vast amounts of evaporation= LOTS AND LOTS OF RAIN.
Processes within the Rainforests local water cycle?
Evaporation- 25% of ppt evaporates due to hot, humid temperatures.
Interception- 75% of -precipitation- is intercepted.
Evaporation from forest floor and drip-tip leaves.
Stem flow- the downward, vertical movement of water down vegetation.
Impacts of decreased tropical rainforest? WATER CYCLE
A decrease in trees: decreased evapotranspiration = less cloud cover, ppt and decreased humidity (pve feedback)
Increased surface run off and exposure to the sun = soil stripped of nutrients and dried out.
Rainfall- slash and burn agriculture= increased density of air borne particles around which water vapour condenses= smaller water droplets and less ppt.
This means that any moisture that does eventually fall and evaporate from deforested areas forms shallow cumulous clouds.
Flooding- increased s.r.o = higher risk of flooding.
What did a research done by Spraken et Al find regarding deforestation?
In 2012 it was concluded further deforestation in the Amazon could result in a 20% decline in regional rainfall due to decreased moisture of air.
Impacts of decreased tropical rainforest? CARBON CYCLE
As rainforest is burnt for crops and agriculture, 50% of
stored carbon is immediately released + combustion.
A CARBON SINK- absorbs 2 billion tonnes and releases 1.9 due to decomposition, respiration of animals and deforestation.
Rainfall washes ashes into the soil, carbon runoff increases to local bodies of water.
DECOMPOSITION- bacteria and fungi thrive in moist, warm conditions.
How much rainforest was illegally destroyed between July 2013 and July 2014?
4,800 km
Reasons for illegal logging/ deforestation?
Agricultural expansion, cattle breeding, timber extraction, mining, oil extraction, dam construction and infrastructure development.
The BRAZILIAN FOREST CODE states that land owners have to keep 50- 85% of their land as forest
Changes to rainforest: Temperature
Mean temperature increase of 0.25 every ten years.
By 2050 it is estimated the temp will have increased by 3 degrees Celsius. SYNOPTIC LINK- CC
Vegetation will not be able to adapt.
Changes to rainforest: Rivers
Decreased river discharge can lead to an increase in silt content and decrease in oxygen content = suffocates inhabitants= destroyed ecosystems.
Can also- socially- lead to silt deposition that disrupts transport routes= shallower and certain boats can only access.
Flash flooding can lead to contamination of freshwater supplies for Amazonian people.
Attempts to mitigate problems in Amazon- National and International Agreements?
TARAPOTO PROCESS- forest policy makers from from 8 countries of the Amazon Basin: eg: Brazil, Peru, Venezuela
-12 criteria to help manage sustainability.
(GLOBAL )- education
(NATIONAL)- share info, technology and resources across south America.
Attempts to mitigate problems in Amazon- ACTO
Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organisation
- aimed at promoting sustainable development
-8 member countries of Amazon basin
-detect and stop illegal logging
“By using cutting-edge technology like satellite imagery, radar, drones, and camera traps through our MAAP Project and our Southwest Amazon Drone Centre, we are able to find, track, and expose deforestation”
-create and implement conservation corridors.
Attempts to mitigate problems in Amazon- Local Policies
The creation of National Parks and Nature Reserves
- PARA rainforest reserve= creates a vast conservation corridor horizontally within the North of the rainforest.
Attempts to mitigate problems in Amazon- Planting
Afforestation and Reforestation
- seedlings of native species can be grown in a local nursery and planted in dehydrated, lacking areas.
- the promotion of creating long lasting wood products = sustainable store of carbon.
Attempts to mitigate problems in Amazon- “Agroforestry “
The combination of planted trees within annual crops eg: coffee.
Forest/ carbon stores are maintained, increased humidity and shelter
but- decrease in sunlight, can be hard to access- clearing of shrubs.
Examples of links between water and carbon?
Infiltration and throughflow—– dependant on well formed soils caused by factors driving change in Car c
Photosynthesis——- coverts suns energy to chemical energy, dependant on water vapour (6C02 +6H20)
Decomposition——- takes place by detritivores which cannot operate without the presence of water stored in soils and groundwater to respire.
Precipitation——— carbon dissolved in precipitation and water molecules and carbon= carbonic acid.
Particles from the burring of trees increased density of air borne particles around which water vapour condenses——-smaller droplets = dec ppt.