The Aleph-Bet Flashcards
To learn and understand all of the Hebrew Alphabet.
Name the letter and its sound(s): א
Aleph - No sound.
Name the letter and its sound(s): ב
Bet - ‘b’ or ‘v’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): ג
Gimel - ‘g’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): ד
Dalet - ‘d’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): ה
Hey - ‘h’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): ו
Vav - ‘v’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): ז
Zayin - ‘z’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): ח
Khet - ‘kh’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): ט
Tet - ‘t’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): י
Yod - ‘y’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): כ
Kaf - ‘k’ or kh’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): ל
Lamed - ‘l’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): מ
Mem - ‘m’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): נ
Nun - ‘n’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): ס
Samekh - ‘s’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): ע
Ayin - No sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): פ
Pey - ‘p’ or ‘f’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): צ
Tzade(k) - ‘tz’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): ק
Qof - ‘k’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): ר
Resh - ‘r’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): ש
Sheen - ‘sh’ or ‘s’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): ת
Tav - ‘t’ sound
Name the letter and its sound(s): ך
Khaf Sofit - ‘kh’ sound (Sofit means ‘final’. Sofit letters are used in place of their corresponding letters only at the end of a word.)
Name the letter and its sound(s): ם
Mem Sofit - ‘m’ sound (Sofit means ‘final’. Sofit letters are used in place of their corresponding letters only at the end of a word.)
Name the letter and its sound(s): ן
Nun Sofit - ‘n’ sound (Sofit means ‘final’. Sofit letters are used in place of their corresponding letters only at the end of a word.)
Name the letter and its sound(s): ף
Fey Sofit - ‘f’ sound (Sofit means ‘final’. Sofit letters are used in place of their corresponding letters only at the end of a word.)
Name the letter and its sound(s): ץ
Tzade(k) Sofit - ‘tz’ sound (Sofit means ‘final’. Sofit letters are used in place of their corresponding letters only at the end of a word.)
Name the letter(s) that make(s) no sound.
Aleph - א
Ayin - ע
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘b’ sound.
Bet - ב
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘g’ sound.
Gimel - ג
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘d’ sound.
Dalet - ד
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘h’ sound.
Hey - ה
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘v’ sound.
Bet - ב
Vav - ו
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘z’ sound.
Zayin - ז
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘kh’ sound.
Khet - ח
Kaf - כ
Khaf Sofit - ך
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘t’ sound.
Tet - ט
Tav - ת
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘y’ sound.
Yod - י
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘l’ sound.
Lamed - ל
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘m’ sound.
Mem - מ
Mem Sofit - ם
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘n’ sound.
Nun - נ
Nun Sofit - ן
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘s’ sound.
Samekh - ס
Shin - ש
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘p’ sound.
Pey - פ
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘tz’ sound.
Tzade(k) - צ
Tzade(k) Sofit - ץ
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘k’ sound.
Kaf - כ
Qof - ק
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘r’ sound.
Resh - ר
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘sh’ sound.
Shin - ש
Name the letter(s) that can make both the ‘b’ and ‘v’ sound.
Bet - ב
Name the letter(s) that can make both the ‘k’ and ‘kh’ sound.
Kaf - כ
Name the letter(s) that can make both the ‘p’ and ‘f’ sound.
Pey - פ
Name the letter(s) that make(s) the ‘f’ sound.
Fey Sofit - ף