The Alchymist Flashcards
Zatial co
Priznávam to
I confess it
Rozhodla som sa venovať sama sebe
I decided to dedicate myself
Co sejes to budeš žať
As you sow so shall you reap
Odmietol to z celeho srdca
Wholeheartedly rejected it
Odovzdavam vsetko co som sa naucil
I pass on everything i have learned
Vzdat uctu
Bring the homage to…
Padal súmrak
Dusk was falling
Neistota co sa stane
Uncertainly of what will happen
Priatelstvo ponúka vykúpenie z tvojich najhorsich chyb
Friendship offer redemption for your worst mistakes
Tiekla mu krv z nosa
Blood trading from his nose
Vstal (z postele)
He arose
He muttered
Osamelosť pastiera
Loneliness of shepherd
Vzdy vyžadoval aby
He Always demanded that
Rozpustené čierne vlasy
Flowing black hair
Havranie vlasy
Raven hair
Pritiahol si sveter blizsie k telu
He gathered his jacket closer to his body
Zvyknes si
You get used to it
Napravim to
I can fix it
Existencionalna uzkost
An existencial angst
Odstrasujuci priklad
Cautionary tale
Ked mu napadlo chcel stazovat sa na
When he thought to complain about
Prial si odolat chladu súmraku
He wishstood the cold of the dawn
Príležitosť učiť sa
Opportunity to learn
Nie som dobry ked sa do niecoho citim nuteny
i am not good if i feel forced to something
Bunda mala svoj ucel a chlapec tiez
the jacket had a purpose and so did the boy
Pozbieral odvahu
He had summoned up his courage
Otcov pohľad
The father’s gaze
Svet bol velky a nrvycerpatelny
The world was huge and inexhaustible
Cigani travia svoje zivoty podvadzanim inych
Gypsies spends their lives tricking others
Snazil sa upokojit/ubezpecit sam seba
Trying to reassure himself
Opakujuci sa sen
Recurent dream
Práve to ho priťahovalo na cestovani
That was what made traveling appeal to him
Písanie je drina
writing is a slog
Pokus o nadviazanie konverzacie
attempt to strike up a conversation
Trval na svojom
He persisted
Chlapec bol v opokuseni byt hruby
the boy was tempted to be rude
Ľudská neschopnosť
People ‘ s inability
Nemam tusenia
No clue yet