The Age of Revolution - Part 2 Flashcards
When was the Militia Act?
In 1792
What was the Milita Act of 1792?
It was an act requiring every free able-bodied white male citizen of respective states to be enrolled in the Milita.
Between 18-45.
What was the Fugitive Slave Act?
It was an act where owners of enslaved people and their ägents “had the right to search for escapees within the boarders of free states.
Agents were slave catchers.
The law imposed that there will be a $500 penalty on anyone hwo helped harbor or conceal escapees.
When was the Fugitive Slave Act?
In 1793
Who created the Cotton GIn?
Eli Wheatly.
What was the fever that attacked Philadelphia in 1793?
The Yellow Fever.
What caused the Yellow fever to end?
Since it was spread from mosquitos , when the winter came along it killes the Mosquitos.
What was the French Revolution?
It began in 1789 and ened in late 1790.
Because of the Spending by King Lous XVL, French was at the brink of bankruptcy
Revolting against years of exploitation, peaseants looted and burned the homes of collectors,land lords and seigniorial elite.
In 1791. King Louis XVL was condemned to death for HIgh Treason and crimes against the state.
What was the Haitian Revolution?
Sant-Domingue in the late 18th century was the wealthiest colon in america. It was a french colon since 1697. The Western third of the carribean lisland of Hispanola.
The Spanish has colonized the easter side called Santo Domingo.
What is Santo Domingo?
Owned by Spanish
Oldest City in New World
Founded by Bartholomew Columbus.
What does indo mean?
A negation of African Ancestry.
Spain is considerd the motherland and not africa.
What led to the creation of domincan identity?
The cattle ranch slavery where slave and master work together. Black landowners and officals identified as spanish.
what is Haitiś language?
Creolo or Krio.
WHy was Haiti sort of famous?
The jewel of france crown…It wealth from sugar and it plantation economy.
How did Hait embrace African ancestry?
Vodoun was Practiced.
People are catholic.
How did the Hatian revolution begin?
With a Voodoo Ceremony.
Who was the leader of the revolt?
Toussant Louverture and then hati.
How many conflict did haiti won from france?
What was the lousiana Purchace?
In 1803 the purchase brought in 828,00 square miles of territory from France.
Part of 15 states is from the purchase.
it cost 15 million dollars.
How many American Revolution were there?
What were aboriginals?
Native Americans
What was the 3/5 compromise?
Salves were 3/5 of a person
When did the importation of African end?
What was the Fugitive slave clause
That escaped salves would be returned upon claim.
What was inssurection?
What was the naturalization clause?
That congress can determine citizenship
What was the diversity jurisdiction clause?
That slaves cannot sue in court.