The Age of Reformation (1500-1750 CE) Flashcards
What are the four elements of Reformation?
- Lutheranism
- Calvinism (The Reformed Church)
- Anabaptism (The Radical Reformation)
- Catholic Reformation or Counter-Reformation
Who was Lutheranism associated with?
Martin Luther
Where did Lutheranism originate from?
Who was Calvinism associated with?
John Calvin
Where did Calvinism originate from?
Why is “Reformed” preferred to “Calvinism”?
16th century Reformed theology drew on sources other than ideas of Calvin
What doctrine was Lutheranism particularly concerned with?
Doctrine of justification
What did Anabaptists insist on?
Only those who made a personal, public profession of faith should be baptized
Where did Anabaptism originate from?
Zurich, Switzerland
What were the common elements for Anabaptism?
- General distrust of external authority
- Rejection of infant baptism in favour of baptism of adult believers
- Common ownership of property
- Emphasis on pacificism and nonresistance
What was the English Reformation called?
Who was the leading force in the English Reformation?
King Henry VIII
What was the Council that preceded the Catholic Reformation?
The Council of Trent (1545)
What reforms did the Counsel of Trent introduce?
The conduct of clergy, ecclesiastical discipline, religious education, and missionary activity
What was the name of the Second Reformation?
What characterised the “period of orthodoxy”?
Lutheranism, Calvinism and Catholicism were established in the same geographical area and was pressurized to distinguish themselves from each other
What were the two movements that emerged in the post-reformation period?
Puritanism (worship and doctrinal purity) and Pietism (purity of life and behaviour)
What are the Copernican and Galilean controversies?
- Copernicus: (16th century) sun at the centre instead of the earth (heliocentric)
- Galileo mounted a major defense of the Copernican theory of the solar system
What do the Protestant reformers insist on for the sources of theology?
“by Scripture alone” (sola scriptura)
What are the consequences of the protestant reformers on “sola scriptura”?
- Beliefs which could not be demonstrated to be grounded in Scripture were to be rejected (i.e., immaculate conception of Mary)
- New emphasis placed on the public status of Scripture in church (i.e., expository sermon, biblical commentary, works of biblical theology)
For the doctrine of grace, what was the Lutheran’s focus on and what was Reformer Church’s focus on?
- Lutheranism: justification by faith alone
- Calvinism: grace in relation to predestination. “unconditional election” as a summary of unmerited grace
What is the difference between Catholicism and the Reformers on the doctrine of the sacraments?
Catholicism – seven sacraments; Reformers – two sacraments (baptism and eucharist)
- Trent: Sacraments bestowed grace; Reformers: Sacraments signifying but not bestowing grace
What is a sacrament?
outward signs of the invisible grace of God
What is the debate about the doctrine of the church for John Calvin and the Council of Trent?
- John Calvin argues that the church was not to be defined institutionally but in terms of preaching the Bible and right administration of the sacraments
- Council of Trent: Church was a divinely ordained and instituted society and salvation was not possible outside its boundaries
What are the developments in theological literature?
- catechisms
- confessions of faith
- works of systematic theology
What are the 3 levels of authority that the protestant theologians consider?
- Scripture
- Creeds
- Confessions of faith