The Age of Exploration Flashcards
who created the magnetic compass?
the Chinese
Who was the first country to start explorations?
Who was the second country to start explorations?
Who was the Portuguese navigator of exploration?
Henry the 1st
what was the inspiration behind European exploration?
desire to est. new trade routes to Asian markets and spread Christianity
what was Silk Road the term for during the Age of Exploration?
gun powder
Where did Portuguese mariners first travel to during their exploration?
the canary islands
What does “volta do mar” mean?
back the sea, developed by the Portuguese
Who traveled from Portugal to South of Africa and started the “Cape of Good Hope”?
Bartomeleu Dias
Who traveled from Portugal to India?
Vasco Da Gama
What Spanish explorer landed in the Bahamas/Caribbean?
Christopher Columbus
What did Christopher Columbus come across when he went to explore Asia?
Taino people that he believed were primitive children, gold and crops.
What was Columbus’ ultimate goal when exploring?
Reach East Asia by crossing the Western “Ocean Sea”
Who was the Spanish explorer to almost do the first circumnavigation of the world and establish a trade route between Mexico and the Philippians?
Ferdinand Magellan
What Danish navigator was commissioned by Russia and then later had the Bering sea named after him?
Vitus Bering
What English explorer explored the western and eastern part of North America?
Sir Frances Drake
What English explorer led 3 expeditions into the Pacific, died in Hawaii and was considered one of England’s greatest explorers?
Captain James Cook
Who helped Captain James Cook on his exploration?
What was the global diffusion of plants, crops, animals, human populations and disease pathogens?
The Columbian Exchange
Who dominated the Pacific Ocean trade from 1565-1815?
Spanish Galleons
What were the Manila Galleons?
The origins of Global Trade
Who were the first to set up trading posts and control them by forcing merchant vessels (military) to call at fortified trading sites?
Who was the commander of Portuguese force in the Indian Ocean and known as the “Duke of Goa”?
Alfonso D’albuquerque
What two countries started the “Joint-Stock Companies” that possessed faster, cheaper and more powerful ships with large populations?
English and Dutch
What was the other name for the Tanio people?
How and where was the death of Ferdinand Magellan?
In the Philippians Islands, because of a political dispute
Who were the Philippians named after?
King Phillip the second.
What was King Phillip the second famous for?
Bringing back Catholicism and bringing 130 ships to Spain.
Who was Jan Pieterszoon Coen?
The architect of Dutch Policy that founded Batavia on the island of Java to serve as an entrepôt for the VOC.
What was the Russian Fur Trade?
a VOC monopoly over spice production and trade, giving Dutch merchants ability to reap enormous profits
Who’s act of individual rebellion had mushroomed into the Protestant Reformation?
Martin Luther of Wittenberg
Who denounced the sale of indulgences in a document with the Catholic Church and what was it called?
Martin Luther of Wittenberg, the Ninety-Five Thesis.
What is significant about Pope Leo X?
St. Peter’s Basilica
Who established the Anglican church and was known as the “Protector or Supreme Head of the Church”?
Henry VIII
What did Henry VIII do that had a very negative effect on England and Religion?
Desire to get a divorce.
Which kings involvement was most significant in the Council of Trent?
St. Ignatius Loyola
Who was unable to establish a strong imperial authority over the holy roman empire that eventually fled from power?
Charles V
What famous family was Charles V a part of?
The Habsburg Family
Who created the Spanish Armada?
Queen Elizabeth I
Who was beheaded during the English Civil War?
Oliver Cromwell
Who began to impose taxes without parliamentary approval?
King Charles I
What King wanted to establish power in England?
King James I
What 2 Russian leaders started the modernization of Russia?
Peter and Catherine the Great, Father and Daughter.
What ended the 30 year war?
The Treaty of Westphalia, protestant and Catholic’s realization of having to coexist in Europe.
What was the Pugachev Rebellion?
Spirit of reform ending with Yemelian Pugachev’s peasant rebellion.
Who was important in the Scientific Revolution and why were they important?
Issac Newton, discovery of gravity concept.
What ruler said “I am the state” and was considered the “sun king”?
King Louis XIV
What King in France was responsible for the promotion of economic development and abolished international tariffs?
King Louis XIV
Who moved the capital of France to Versailles?
King Louis XIV
Who freed the Netherlands from Catholic rule under the Spanish?
William of Orange
What was Divine Kingship, and who started it?
The right to rule also known as absolute monarchy, started by Cardinal Richelieu and Louis XIII.
How was absolute monarchy created?
By Cardinal Richelieu, he crushed aristocratic and attacked Calvinists. Also built a Royal Base.
Whose marriage united the people in the Netherlands?
William of Orange
What is also known as the United Provinces?
The Netherlands
What was the “Representative Parliamentary System” in the Netherlands?
The Dutch Republic
What bad move did King James II make that got him kicked out of power?
Let his lover, Anne Hyde, convert to Catholicism in an area of Protestant beliefs.
What was the Glorious Revolution?
When William III and Mary II established England WITHOUT BLOODSHED as a mixed monarchy governed by “The King in Parliament”
What was the reason for failure in the Holy Roman Empire?
Tensions between Protestants and Catholics as well as external pressure from the French and Ottomans.