the adventures in the present perfect Flashcards
hacer un tour en bote
to go out on a boat
tomar un teleferico
to take a lift thing
ir a un mercado nocturno
to go to a night market
ir a un festival especial
to go to a special festival
participar en una obra de teatro
to participate in the club
cantar en un karaoke
to sing in karaoke
asistir a un concierto
to attend a concert
comer ancas de rana
to eat frog legs
probar tofu apestoso
to try stinky tofu
montar a caballo
to ride a horse
bucear en el océano
to go scuba diving in the ocean
practicar surf
to practice surfing
practicar balsismo
to practice using a float
escalar una montana
to climb a mountain
practicar windsurfing
to go windsurfing
esquiar en la nieve
to go skiing in the snow
saltar en paracaídas
to go skydiving
hace ciclismo de montaña
to bike the mountain
competir en carrera de motos
to compete in a motorcycle race