The Adrenal Glands Flashcards
The superior, middle and inferior adrenal arteries arise from what?
- Inferior phrenic
- Abdominal aorta
- Renal
What does the adrenal cortex arise from?
Intermediate mesoderm
What does the adrenal medulla arise from?
Neural crest cells
- Chromaffin cells
- Modified sympathetic ganglion cells
Where do the adrenal glands lie in relation to the peritoneum?
What surrounds the adrenal glands?
What are the 3 layers of the adrenal cortex?
- Zona glomerulosa
- Zona fasciculata
- Zona reticularis
What hormones are produced by the cells in the zona glomerulosa?
Mineralcorticoid - e.g aldosterone
What hormones are produced by the cells in the zona fasciculata?
Glucocorticoids (e.g cortisol)
What hormones are produced by the cells in the zona reticularis?
Androgens (DHEA and androstenedione)
How are the cells structured in the zona faciculata?
- Large
- Arranged in columns which twist and turn
- Blood vessels run along the side
How are the cells structured in the zona reticularis and glomerulosa?
Random assortment (smaller in size than fasciculata)
What are the features of the cells in the adrenal cortex?
- Nuclei located centrally
- Lots of smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum
- Many mitochondria
- Lots of lipid droplets
What are the features of chromaffin cells (on staining)?
- Smaller cells
- Loosly aranged
- Densly staining vesicles
- Lots of rough endoplasmic reticulum
- Lots of pre-ganglionic sympathetic nerve terminals
What is the function of mineralocorticoids? (produced by zona glomerulosa)
Electrolyte and fluid homeostasis (controlled by renin)
What is the function of glucocorticoids? (produced by zona fasciculata)
Carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism (particularly in starved state)
What is secretion of glucocorticoids produced by the zona fasciculata controlled by?
Desribe the adrenal cortex blood supply?
- Superior, middle and inferior adrenal arteries
- Anastomose under the capsule
- Short cortical arteries run in parallel with the cords of cells to the medulla
What is the blood supply to the medulla?
- Blood which has drained from the cortex
- Contains adreno-corticosteroids which influence the production of adrenaline by the medullary cells
- Fresh arterial blood in long cortical arteries
What part of the adrenal gland is involved in the short term stress response?
Adrenal medulla
What part of the adrenal gland is involved in the long term stress response?
Adrenal cortex
What are the effects of the short-term stress response by the adrenal medulla?
- Increased HR
- Increased BP
- Liver converts glycogen to glucose and releases glucose to blood
- Dilation of bronchioles
- Changes in blood flow patterns leading to decreased digestive system activity and reduced urine output
- Increased metabolic rate
What are the effects of the long-term stress response by the adrenal cortex?
Mineralocorticoids - Retention of Na+ and water by kidneys - Increased blood volume and BP Glucocorticoids - Proteins and fats converted to glucose or broken down to energy - Increased blood glucose - Suppression of immune system
What hormone produced in the anterior pituitary stimulates the adrenal cortex?
- Mainly glucocorticoids (e.g cortisol)
What hormone stimulates the release of ACTH?
CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone)
What is the main purpose / actions of cortisol?
To increase blood glucose through increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing protein synthesis and lipogenesis
- Glycerol, fatty acids and amino acids used for gluconeogenesis
- Anti-insulin effect
- Role in ability to cope with physical (trauma, infection, allergies) or neurological (anxiety, restraint) stresses
- Anti-inflammatory, Anti-allergic and Anti-immune ations
What is hydrocortisone?
- Immuno-suppressive
- Anti-inflammatory / anti-allergic and anti-immune actions
- Interferes in cytokine production and protein-synthesis
- Can be used in transplants
- Analog of cortisol
What can be the causes of Cushing’s disease?
- ACTH-releasing pituitary tumour (70-75%)
- Ectopic ACTH-releasing tumour (usually in lungs, pancreas or kidney)
- Tumour of adrenal cortex - hyper-secretion of cortisol
- Administration of pharmacological doses of glucocorticoid drugs (e.g hydrocortisone)
What is Cushings disease due to?
Excess glucocorticoid release (cortisol)
What are the clinical features of cushing’s disease?
- Hyperglycaemia due to increased gluconeogenesis in liver - adrenal/steroid diabetes
- Muscle wasting - loss of protein synthesis in muscle and bone (and most tissues)
- Increase in FFA in plasma (reduced lipogenesis and enhanced lipolysis)
- Increase in insulin release - redistribution of fat stores to face, neck, upper trunk “buffalo hump”, Beta-cell exhaustion
- Tissue oedema, hypokkaelemia, hypertension - due to increased glomerular filtration (glucocorticoid effect) (leaky podocytes) and water and Na+ retention (mineralcorticoid effect)
- GI Tract ulceration - due to excess H+ secretion and decreased mucous production (alkalosis due to increased H+ loss in GI tract and kidney)
- Decreases in protein synthesis - increased neural excitability, lymph node lysis, inhibition of haematopoiesis and lymphocyte production - immunosuppressive and anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory actions
How is Cushing’s disease treated?
Surgical removal of tumour / decreases in drug dosage
Aldosterone release from the adrenal cortex is under the control of what 3 factors?
- Increase in plasma K+ (causes depolarisation of zona glomerulosa cells)
- ACTH - mainly allows the glomerulosa cells to be able to respond to other external stimuli
- Angiotensin II (mainly) - directly binds to receptors and directly stimulates the synthesis of aldosterone
What organ does aldosterone effect?
Kidney - receptors
What cells does aldosterone affect?
Principle cells in collecting ducts and distal collecting tubule where it stimulates reabsorption of Na+ and excretion of K+ and H+
What does renin break down?
Angiotensinogen into angiotensin I
What breaks down agiotens I to angiotensin II
ACE in lung
What is the main function of aldosterone?
Increases Na+ reabsorption in kidney
What cells produce renin?
juxtaglomerular cells
What are the epithelial cells of the distal tubule called?
Macula densa cells
What does the macula densa sense?
The Na/Cl content of the tubular fluid
How much more prevelant is cortisol compared with aldosterone levels?
50 - 100 x higher
Why is aldosterone more important in affecting principle cells than cortisol?
Cortisol is broken down by 11 Beta-HSD to cortisone which can not bind to glucocorticoid or mineralocorticoid receptors
What breaks down cortisol to cortisone?
11 Beta-HSD
What inhibitis 11 Beta-HSD?
Glycyrrhetinic acid (found in liquorice)
- Results in mass Na+ recovery
- Increased BP and volume
What is Addison’s disease also known as?
Primary adrenal cortical insufficiency
What are the primary causes of Addison’s disease?
- Tuberculosis / metastic tumours
- Autoimmune adrenalitis - adrenal failure (most common ~70% )
- HIV - decreased immunity and increased viral and bacterial infections
- Atrophy due to prolonged steroid therapy
What are the clinical features of Addison’s disease?
- Loss of weight / appetite, muscle weakness, nausea, vomitting
- Low plasma glucose esp. after fasting (lack of glucocorticoid actions)
- Low plasma Na+ (hyponatriemia) and high plasma K+ (hyperkalemia) (due to lack of mineralocorticoids) (metabolic acidosis?)
- Dehydration and hypotension due to 3 - systolic BP 50-80 mmHg
- Lethargy and dizziness on standing up due to 4
- Severe cases present with skin pig,entation due to excess ACTH acting as MSH
How is Addison’s disease treated?
- Glucocorticoid replacement therapy - hydrocortisone administration morning (25 mg) / afternoon (12.5 mg)
- IV saline infusion if severely dehydrated and condition is life-threatening and administration of fludrocortisone (mineralocorticoid agonist)
What are the cells called in the adrenal medulla?
Chromaffin cells
What are chromaffin cells controlled directly by?
Preganglionic sympathetic neurons (thus chromaffin cells are equivalent to postganglionic sympathetic neurons)
What do the 2 populations of chromaffin cells secrete?
- Adrenaline (epinephrine) (majority)
- Noradrenaline (NA)(norepinephrine)
What are chromaffin cells also known to secrete other than NA and adrenaline?
- Dopamine
- Enkephalins (pain control)
Catecholamine synthesis:
Tyrosine - Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) Dihydroxy-phenylalanine (Dopa) - Amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) Dopamine - Dopamine-Beta-hydroxylase (DBH) Norepinephrine / NA - Phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT) Adrenaline / Epinephrine
What activates Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and Dopamine-Beta-hydroxylase (DBH)?
Sympathetic stimulation; ACTH
What activates Phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT)?
Cortisol from adrenal cortex via portal circulation
What molecule in the catecholamine synthesis pathway is the first to enter the chromaffin granule?
What does dopamine enter the chromaffin granule via?
Vesicular mono-amine transporter (VMAT1)
- Dopamine exchanged for H+
How is a high concentration of H+ maintained in the chromaffin granules?
H+ ATPase
Where is NA converted to Adrenaline?
Cytosol by Phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT)
What protein stores NA and adrenaline inside the chromaffin granule?
Chromatogranin (along with Ca2+ and ATP) creating storage complex - prevents granule swellin gup / osmotic affects
How can adrenaline enter the chromaffin granule?
VMAT (in exchange of H+)
What causes chromaffin granule exocytosis?
Depolarisation by sympathetic stimulation
What catecholamine has a higher affinity to alpha-adrenergic receptors?
What catecholamine has a higher affinity to Beta-adrenergic receptors?
What catecholaime causes an increase in cAMP production?
Adrenaline (NA decreases)
What catecholaime causes an increase in calcium?
Adrenaline (NA decreases)
What catecholamine increases insulin secretion?
Adrenaline (NA decreases)
What are the effects of catecholamines of parathyroid?
- Adrenaline increases secretion
- NA decreases secretion
How do NA and adrenaline affect renin?
Both increase renin secretion
Which catecholamine causes SM contraction?
NA (adrenaline no effect)