What an an auditor should eliminate in the actual consolidation process?
- Eliminate Intercompany balances and transactions
- Eliminate equity and investments
When eliminating the intercompany balances and transactions, which are the items that have impact and which ones have no impact on the consolidated result?
Without impact the consolidated result:
- Intercompany Assets/liabilities accounts (loans, receivables,…)
- Intercompany income/expenses accounts (recharges)
With impact on the consolidated result:
- Sale of goods in inventories
1. If still included in the balance sheet of the buyer: elimination of the unrealised profit;
2. If subsequently sold to a third party: no adjustement required.
- Internal dividends
- Sale of fixed assets within the group other than book value.
How the parent account the consolidate equity (what need to show)?
Equity value of the subsidiary: total value, without taking into account the holding percentage;
Net book value of the shares has to be shown;
The share of the equity value belonging to minority shareholders is recorded as a liability under the caption “minority interests”.
What method is used to allocate the first consolidation difference?
Assessment of value to be allocated at fair value principle
After allocation of the consolidation difference to assets and liabilities, how is considered the remaining part?
- Goodwill: if positive consolidatoin difference
- Cost: if negative consolidation difference